It’s sad to me how many people believe this Corona garbage. The masks are absolutely absurd, all they do is make it difficult to breathe. I’ve yet to see a single shred of convincing evidence pointing to the efficacy of masks, I’ve found plenty of research showing it will do little more than make otherwise healthy people sick. They reduce oxygen intake below safe levels, increase carbon dioxide intake and trap bacteria.
When used by medical professionals masks are frequently changed, not worn for long periods and not constantly adjusted/ touched. This is clearly medical tyranny! We are being forced to take pointless measures such as social distancing/ masks with no real data to back it up.
Non Covid deaths are being classified as Covid, false positive tests are rampant and the mortality rate is quite comparable to the flu. So to claim this is being done for our safety is ridiculous!
This ‘virus’ has not been isolated/ identified which obviously forces guesswork. Also viruses are not independently alive and are unable to survive outside the bloodstream so how are we passing from person to person? Essentially one would have to cough lung fluid directly into another’s lungs. If they aren’t able to propel themselves independently outside the bloodstream how do they reach the bloodstream outside of lung fluid exchange or blood to blood.
I’m no expert but it takes very little research to reveal there is no consensus on how viruses transmit or even function. There is virtually endless contradiction on the subject. So why everyone continues to buy this is beyond me.
Right on cue.
The evidence is out there if you are interested:
False positives by PCR are extremely, extremely rare. The high false positives are from antibody tests, not the diagnostic PCR test.
SARS-COV2 is identified every time a positive PCR test comes back. The test I am familiar with uses 3 sets of SARS-COV2 primers and hydrolysis probes, all of which have been confirmed to specifically identify just this strain of coronavirus. There is no other cause for finding viral RNA in your body other than an active viral infection (of a non-retroviral RNA species, which SARS-COV2 is).
They can survive outside the bloodstream, such as on the mucosal membranes of your lungs and airways. They can also survive in droplets outside of the body, long enough for someone else to pick it up and get it into their mouth where they breath down viral particles into the lungs, starting a new infection.
They multiply outside of the bloodstream, most notably on the mucosal surface of the lungs. The SARS-COV2 spike protein is very adept at binding to ACE2 proteins found on the surface of alveolar cells deep in the lung, and that is where the viruses invade and begin multiplying. If the infection and subsequent immune reaction is strong enough this can severely damage the cell lining responsible for air exchange in the lung.
You are completely wrong. The lifecycle of viruses is one of the most well understood processes in biology.
It’s good to be aware of our lack of expertise in all the relevant fields required to evaluate a claim. I wonder if it could be helpful to try to find people who know what they’re talking about before rambling off a bunch of thoughts.
My new Facebook strategy has been not to engage anyone directly on their own ridiculous posts, but when I see nutty stuff, I create my own post that say, “I just saw a friend post X. Here is a fact check and my thoughts on the matter.” It has been much more effective and generated much more productive conversation. Some people are lost causes. But a lot of people are listening to the various conversations, so it does matter that good info gets a platform and bad info gets countered.
It was tough enough when all we had to do was redress ignorance. Now we have willful ignorance which must be overcome before there is any opportunity for the spread of informed expertise.
Where have you found this research? YouTube? Anti-Vax websites? Conspiracy theory websites? You have to evaluate sources.
That is a great strategy. Not making people feel called out can only help.
God bless America! Luckily the worst here brings out the best too.
Does Wearing A Mask Protect Me? Growing Evidence Says Yes
not diseases, but voluntarily through contraception and abortion
gates & co really push poorer more fertile nations to legalize and use contraception and abortion, which will have the effect of reducing their populations, just like in the west
How very true.
Gates and company are also the strongest advocates for preventing deaths from diseases that plague poorer countries, such as malaria. They are also trying to eradicate polio worldwide, and that push has been focused on poorer countries.
This is what I don’t get. Gates and company are doing some really good stuff in poorer countries, and yet their character and motives get smeared by the most hair-brained conspiracy theories. Why? Can you explain this?
Yes, they want a small, healthy and productive population. I am not saying their intent is malicious, but it does appear population reduction is part of their good intentions. Same with Margaret Sanger starting Planned Parenthood. You read her books and she has good intentions to better the human race through eugenics. I would say the vast majority of the individuals villianized by any side have great intentions and character. They have different presuppositions and conclusions as to what “good” looks like.
I know you did not say anything about man-made diseases. I just got carried away by my words in a general response to posters who may believe that there is a conspiracy behind COVID-19.
I think a lot of the conspiracy, e.g. Fauci’s ties and related research, can be explained by the fact scientists have been expecting this sort of outbreak for awhile. So much they were able to predict quite a lot of details in the 2011 movie contagion.
Saving millions of lives goes against the idea of shrinking a population.
You were accusing them of supporting forced sterilization, for crying out loud!!
voluntary fertility reduction is more appropriate
soft means work much better than hard means
yes, consistent with saving millions of lives, too
no one wants to outright kill a bunch of people and cause suffering
but, they also don’t want more people: strain on environment, more people in poverty, etc.
From the Gates Foundation:
Do you disagree with any of this?
People no longer marry. If they do they marry later. Some have kids in the 30’s where previously kids were born much earlier. IVF sadly is now required, or egg freezing because both men and women desire career, and a certain level of lifestyle which may exclude kids. If they do have kids, child care takes over and parents return to work. But this is only true for a certain part of the population.