"Male and female He created them" .. and sometimes intersex

The first hit on my google:

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The second, not exactly a scholarly journal:

8) Regret rates and long-term mental health

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Wanna see something that I think is fascinating?

On topic? :slightly_smiling_face: Or PM me, I suppose.

Right. We don’t know who’s on “On Topic” patrol right now, do we? I’ll PM you and avoid grief, … maybe.

I haven’t/wouldn’t even get a tattoo. No way am I electing for any of those surgeries. But fortunately that isn’t the least bad of two choices for me. I guess you could say you and I enjoy gender privilege.

Intersex is neither of those things. It isn’t how they are expressing their sex. It’s the way their sex has been expressed in their bodies during development - like maybe testes that are undescended with what looks to be normal girl parts.


This is the last place in the world anyone should go for reliable information on transgenderism. Religious people tend to have a deeply ingrained prejudice against anything LGBTQ+. Some denominations are worse than others. The suicide rate is high for people in these communities. and so-called conversion therapy is ineffective and harmful. A better source of information would be a doctor with training who can get you the help you need. Some hospitals have specialists in this area. (btw, I’m “normal” but have deep sympathy for those who are different.)


Now I know of a lot more.

I don’t come to this place for reliable information. I come to this place for clues and directions to reliable information, and to putz around between meals and naps.

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LOL! You’ve become a Trans magnet?

Absolutely. Not. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Nonbinary is a term referring to any complex mixture (nature/nurture) of body bits (external/visible), internal structures, endocrine system, and psyche (the mind) that manifests as an individual (of the minority) that does not easily fit into a male or female experience defined by the majority who do.

Cultures throughout time have recognized these two-spirited people. Usually, they are revered as being unique and special within their society. Sadly, Christianity is not so generous or gracious.

As Believers, it should be easier for us to comprehend and accept that we have a spirit, our essence, our soul that can be feminine or masculine, making it completely reasonable to embrace those who experience both in their personhood. Even the Bible talks of Eunuchs, and we consider the Holy Trinity to exhibit both essences. Yet, our western religious culture, essentially, holds a bias against these individuals who God has created simply to be different than us who fall more firmly on either feminine or masculine in how we walk this earth.

And No. Suicide rates for transgender people is NOT high when treatment and support is afforded to them. Even one supportive adult can drop the suicide rate considerably, down to that of the cis-gendered population. Those who are labeled as outcasts, denied treatment, and pushed away from their families and communities (usually, religious) for being trans experience are the ones with mental anguish and suicidal ideation. Follow the statistics and research on this. I have sources, if you wish to explore it.

There is a whole lot of myth, conjecture, and misinformation being shared about the transgender community. Loving our transgender neighbor (and intersex, nonbinary) means seeking truth about their lives and treating them in ways that are not harmful to them.


Dale and Terry - The information within the public sphere (internet) is severely jaundiced and discriminatory. It is used for a purpose, as a confirmation bias.

True sources are the researchers, medical practitioners, and the families dealing with intersex, transgender, and nonbinary conditions. In Google searches, the bad information rises to the top because society wants to believe the bad press. When a search digs deeper, to primary sources (science and testimonies), the discovery is quite different than what is being shared among the general public.

For example, Walt Heyer advocates to stop all current gender care practices. He has other serious clinical issues, and is thus on a crusade, but… he should have never transitioned in the first place. If anything, his experience indicates that better care, not less, is needed to be sure on diagnoses before hormones/surgery. Regret rate is actually very low (`3%), similar to any other medical procedure.

For every regret or de-transition story, there are hundreds to thousands of other success stories. Usually, dissatisfaction on the outcome of treatment comes from lack of support, dealing with societal prejudices, or treatment wasn’t warranted in the first place (something else was going on - the person wasn’t actually transgender, so treatment was wrong). Better understanding towards improved care and more acceptance by society would mitigate the incidences of regret.


Gender Health Query advocates for affirmation, yet being cautious. This actually also describes the current approach taken in most gender care medical clinics, regardless of how society perceives transitioning as being too fast, too soon

However, Gender Health Query often does not rely on sound, primary scientific sources (i.e. they cite The Guardian…please). Just as is the case in any medical treatment, there is much we know, and much that we do not know. Usually, this isn’t an impediment to proceed, but rather part of the decision making process. All ‘new’ medicine has a honeymoon period.

What we do know is scientifically supportive of current protocols in place to treat people with gender dysphoria. Here is a literature search that documents the efficacy of current transgender medical care:

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The largest study involving transgender people is providing long-sought insights about their health


So, you include those with psychological disorders among the physical and genetic disorders?

It’s not as high as among trans teens, because teens have higher suicide rates in any group, but still much higher than non-trans people.

Suicide attempts in the trans population occur at a rate almost 20 times the level for the whole population. Deaths by suicide occur at a rate 61 times the general population. (Sources: Globe and Mail, SpeakingofSuicide.com.)

Yes, but the post I was responding to referred to non-binary, so I want their definition of the term so I know how to carry on from there.

Well the discussion has widened beyond intersex here and there so I probably shouldn’t have assumed.