Jesus' identity and Trinity

He was though . Again making the assumption that theres two gods one of the old on of the new but this is not the case.As for the crisis of faith and such i just dont understand you.Anyways hope you are good and still with the lord.

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You’re a stand up guy Nick. Don’t worry. And keep up the good work! Keeping the faith.


The fact that Jesus and other NT writers treat Adam and Eve etc as real historical people doe not bother me. We can allow for Jesus own self -limitation of knowledge to be both human and divine. Jesus Himself hinted He did not know the future completely.
All human knowledge is time-bound and I don’t think that even divine inspiration by the Holy Spirit overides that. God uses current knowledge and tradition to lead us into new truths.


This is your problem, for you God is a nature, not a Person. God is not less that we are, Jesus the Messiah is not less than we are. God has free will, even as we do.

The Book of Hebrews says that Jesus is without sin, This is why He is God. Also we cannot say that He is the Messiah and God until after He completed His mission, after the Crucifixion and Resurrection.

A blessed Holy Week to all.

See God and Freedom on by yours truly.

[Not my counter.]

This is incoherent, counterfactual to the text. Your bizarre take is not disinterested. Why?

That’s not true. None of it is a response or attack on any of those sources. Where’s the direct parallel to the story of Adam and Eve and the serpent, eating the apple from the tree, and so forth? What about the six day creation?

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