Jesus and the Resurrection -- What will our bodies be like?

That depends on where Paradise was. I do not use Paradise, even though Jesus promised one of the thieves they would meet, “that day” in Paradise. John Milton claimed that Paradise was lost when Adam was kicked out of the Garden of Eden. (I have not read Milton) I would assume it is the same as Abraham’s bosom. The place of purgatory or intermediate heaven, was not even “built”. At the time of the crucifixion and 3 day resurrection event; Jesus had not yet left earth to prepare it. Especially if doing so would take more than a few seconds, or 24 hour days.

I digress. My opinion was that (as a ghost) Jesus went to the place in hell where Abraham and all those who had faith in God were including the thief who had just died. If that is Paradise and the dead could see across a chasm to where those without faith were, then we are accepting a literal place. Otherwise, since Abel died, humans have been “stored” in a figurative holding place. Jesus entered the place of the dead, and brought back to a physical or spiritual state, depending on how one views a resurrection those in Abraham’s bosom. Where they went is not really stated. Either they were witnesses in Jerusalem and died again physically. Or they hung out until Jesus finished opening up a place in heaven for them to go.

Jesus told Mary on Sunday morning that he had not been to heaven yet. That is about all we have recorded.

I do not think any one can deny the point made in the Word. That the dead in the OT were treated different than the dead, after Jesus died and rose again. Abraham being the Father of the Hebrews was keeper of the dead. Are those dead with him only Hebrews? What about those before Abraham? What about converted Jews or Gentiles? After Christ, all who die in Christ will go to heaven, although there is debate on even that teaching of the church.

I do not think that Jesus immediately went to heaven when he died on the cross. Nor when his body vanished from human view. If you take the figurative action of the scapegoat in Jewish tradition he would have had to take the sin of all mankind someplace never to be found again by anyone. The God part left when He gave it up and died. Who Jesus is, the soul, had to take the sins to an unknown location. His body was placed in the tomb. If his flesh, the dead body turned into a transformed ghost does not make any sense. The body is just corrupted flesh. My take is after taking care of humanity’s sins, the old flesh disintegrated, and Jesus received a new ghost body, and then went to hell. Then talked to Mary and two other disciples and then went to God. Then prepared heaven. Then those just rescued from death did not have to die again, but rose into heaven like Jesus did the very last time he left the disciples.