Is William Lane Craig open to the possibility of evolutionary creationism?

Then you should also understand that God creating the universe has the same problems with infinite regress as any other explanation for the creation of the universe.


Not if (and since) God is self-existent.

Then the same would apply to any natural explanation for the creation of the universe.

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    The Existence of Shoes

There is no comparison.

He just did.

Who did what? There is no comparison between you accepting some contemporary stranger’s account of their cold reading their life and the miracles of God incarnate.

Okay, whatever.

You don’t mean that. But you can’t refute the rationality of course.

Do you mean your infallible ‘rationality’? :grin:

And Dale’s response is a non sequitur. God’s uncaused eternal self existence does not explain finite nature in the slightest. The need to explain goes away with the rational uniformitarianism of eternal nature.

You also did not understand the obvious parallel between the statistically irrelevant coincidence of a man saying something in a boat during a storm and other providential miracles (and no, that is neither a non sequitur nor an oxymoron).

(You are going to attract the repulsion of the @moderators. :grin:)

Since this topic has deviated quite a bit from the OP and has devolved into petty bickering by some (unsure whether this is theistic devolution or not), we should probably close this up. If any substantial questions or ideas remain to be explored from this discussion, please start a new thread. Thanks.