Is Science and scientific theory against God and Theology? Is it God versus science?

Well said.

In wading through Theo’s Theo-book posted above, I had multiple flashbacks to the pseudo-exegetical nuggets promulgated by The Way International on university campuses in the 1970’s. The misuse of terminology and the copious misunderstandings of articular and anarthrous phenomena—often accompanied by yellow highlighter Greek-English Interlinear justifications—claimed conclusions that virtually all Bible translators were allegedly conspiring to hide from the Christian world. There was also a lot of strained applications of MONOGENES and LOGOS. At the time it was gaining followings on many state university campuses (probably about 1974 to 1977??), it brought to my mind the Gnostic movement in the early Church, claiming to have a “secret knowledge” that, if fully embraced, would allegedly unlock “the truth” which most Christians knew nothing about.

Does anyone else here have these Seventies flashbacks of familiarity?

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