Is Science and scientific theory against God and Theology? Is it God versus science?

So am I to understand you enjoy the doctrinal creed that teaches that God
is three inseparable but separate persons? How is that not a contradiction? And God is not a contradiction.

How can Jesus be God and Man such that the God nature is separate from the Man nature, but the two natures are not mixed, yet cannot be separated? Another contradiction made up by scholars.

And No, I am not against scholars. They are necessary and to be commended for all the good that they do. But not all the mischief they concoct. And no, I do not believe they are the same scholars doing both. There are serious scholars, and there are Theologian mischief makers, hiding among honest Scholars and teachers, some of whom are Theologians.

And yes, I will work to destroy the ignorance that permeates the doctrines and creeds that control Men’s minds and makes them subservient to MEN that Lord it over the flock of God.

I don’t recall studying any creed which claims that God is “three inseparable but separate persons?” Sounds like a straw man argument.

BioLogos affirms the traditional doctrine of the Trinity. About BioLogos | Science and Faith Working Hand in Hand - BioLogos

This forum is designed for discussions of the intersection of faith and science, not for debating basic tenets of orthodox Christian creeds.

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So how can people fail to understand God is everything found in Nature, because He is BY NATURE, GOD.

When God said - “Howbeit then, when ye knew not God, ye did service unto them which by nature are no gods”[Gal 4:8] If the false Gods are “by nature” no gods, God is then claiming to be “By Nature, the only true God.”

So if God is “By nature, The Only True God” then there is no conflict between God and Nature, other than either misinformation or misunderstanding on the part of Men.

What say you?

Wow! My head just exploded from the Equivocation Bomb.

Run-away pantheism alert!


I say panentheism is not compatible with Christianity, and I feel no need to defend such a basic premise of orthodoxy here.


I think this is a good time to add that God is NOT in physical objects. I think this poses a real problem though, because how can physical objects exist APART from God? What is there substance if nothing exists apart from God?.. Good thing physical objects don’t exist. And thanks for correcting my spelling :smiley:

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Proof Of God’s Existence

May I see your example of demonstrating Trinity Theology without use of any “Proof-Texts?”

And I did not say “I do Theology by proof-texting.” I said I found that 'Trinitarians “Proof-texts” do not prove.