Is genesis one about the original creation?

This section “Is Genesis One About the Original Creation,” is intended to show that the “beginning” in 1:1 isn’t “the original creation of all things.” As Hebrew scholars point out, to say the “beginning” lasts 10 billion years is to stretch the meaning of “beginning” beyond the breaking point. Of course, if 1:1 spoke of the “very beginning,” it would have to refer to billions of years. The “Summary Statement” view believes 1:1 is not the very beginning but only refers to the Six 24-hour Days that are detailed starting in verse three. When this creation begins, Earth is already there, covered with darkness and water (a judgment). In addition, if 1:1 is the very beginning, the sun, moon and stars were not created then because, they weren’t created until Day Four.

That is they weren’t created until Day Four in the belief that “The beginning” in 1:1 is part of Day One, as ALL Young Earth Creationists believe.

Actually Day/Agers, Gappers and Summary Statement believers all think the sun, moon and stars were “revealed” on Day Four. Day Agers and Gappers think they were created in 1:1 and Summary Statement people believe they were created before Genesis.

The God created the heavens before He created the earth

And Gen 1:2+ deal with the earth and its environs

So His work throughout the rest of the heavens is all implied & summarized supremely-succinctly in the single statement of Gen 1:1

Yes, but would Moses consider “earth particles” to be “the heavens” in 1:1 as ALL Young Earth Creationists believe (see CMI and AIG). They ALL think these “invisible earth particles” were what God used to create the sun, moon and stars on Day Four. Whereas conventional science says "Everything, including Earth is made of star dust, YEC teaches “Everything is made of earth dust including the stars.”

Does this mean that God is both the ultimate Creator of all, and that no spiritual force exists counter to his which can alter the nature if things so that what was once good, becomes evil? In other words. are you saying evil spiritual power, Satan, does not exist?

I’ll be honest I have no idea how you drew the conclusions you drew based on my statement.

I believe in the supernatural. I am a Christian after all. That includes I believe in the devil.

However, I still don’t believe that viruses are evil. Not any more evil than any of living thing. As for diseases, I think they are a natural part of the world as well. A byproduct of evolution. Though I think many of the diseases, such as the disease of “affluence” are primarily caused by people’s lifestyle and dietary choices that lowers the health and productivity of their immune system which allows many negative things to occur.

Wow! This subject is taking us around the world. A lot of off-topic stuff! But that’s fine! Is Genesis One about the original creation? There’s no Biblical support for “evolution.”

There is also no biblical support for theories of electromagnetism, gravity, or germ theory.

  1. It talks about a creation story (in fact two different creation stories, so which one is the real one in the case?) but it is a story based off on ANE motifs and it has no scientific basis for it what so ever.
  2. The Bible gives no evidence for evolution because the Bible is not a science or history text books, but a series of ancient documents thousands of thousands of years old written by an ancient people (often with conflicting agenda’s at many times) to an ancient people long ago over ancient topics, issues and taboos. We need to see the Bible in the light of the 21st century and take out the small spiritual kernels of truth out of that ancient Near Eastern product of what we call the “Bible”. While the Bible is for us indeed, not everything in the Bible was written to us or for us.

The Bible (in Genesis), clearly teaches God made animals basically as they are, not needing to evolve a different body-plan. Just as SCIENCE now KNOWS no animal can EVER become another animal with a different body-plan. Evolution is IMPOSSIBLE according to ALL experiments, including the famous fruit fly attempts!

The Apostle Paul didn’t share your opinion: “For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction, so that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.” (Romans 15:4).

The Bible also clearly teaches that God causes the sun to shine and the rain to fall. So do you then also throw out meteorological knowledge about wind, clouds, condensation, and gravity?

Not in one generation with one population member (as in the ‘hopeful monster’ scenario). But allowing for much time and change over entire populations through small incremental changes … yes. This is exactly what science shows. The only ‘SCIENCE’ as such that shows this impossible is the appropriately capitalized and idiosyncratic version that you narrowly define according to your ideology. Real science acknowledges quite an accumulation of evidence contrary to your claims of impossibility.


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I don’t think anybody here disagrees or has expressed disagreement with that statement. What did Sealkin write (if that is who you were responding to) that makes you think he would disagree?

What I was stating that the Bible in a sense as Scripture is for us no doubt, but we need to separate what is the spiritual/moral message that the Bible is trying to offer us and leave all the ancient backdrop behind and not try and get the both mixed up in the same bag. The message of Jesus Christ is that God loves humans, humans have chosen to turn away from God due to selfish (sinful) desires and yet God wants to reconcile humanity back to Himself, thus He sent the Son to die and redeem us back to the Father. The main message of the Whole Bible is this: To love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength, to help the poor and weak, to walk humbly with your God and love your neighbor as yourself. These are the things as Christ said, “The whole Law and Prophets hinge on!”

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That is a fact I can agree with you on there. Genesis 1 states that God is Creator and Creator alone, but we have science to show use how God made the universe and life as we know it. While evolution shows the method, it doesn’t show the Creator, same with Genesis 1, it shows the Creator but not the method.


The studies I have elsewhere in this section prove EVOLUTION is not possible no matter how much time elapses. See the macroevolution conference!

Tell that to AiG with their post-flood hyperevolution. :laughing:

I don’t see that anywhere in Genesis. The text says:

Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures after their kind: cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth after their kind”; and it was so. - Genesis 1:24 (NASB)

It doesn’t say he poofed adult animals. It says he spoke and the earth brought them forth. It doesn’t say exactly how the earth brought them forth. Evolution is entirely consistent with the earth bringing forth - a natural process (created and used by God).

Body plans also aren’t mentioned in the text. It says they reproduced after their own kind, which is, again, entirely consistent with evolution. A dog doesn’t give birth to a cat.


Genesis 1 is the Jewish adaptation of the stories from other cultures.

Persian origin stories included humanity being created from rhubarb … because rhubarb was so obviously the model for the human circulatory system!

Here is a link to the Persian creation of humanity …

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Wrong families. And what would ancient Persians know about the circulation of the blood?