Eeee lass. I can only speak for myself, on my trying to reconstruct God after brutal deconstruction.
My givens:
Eternal nature. That is unshakable, non-negotiable. The Greek for nature, physis, through Aristotle’s physica, natural things, gives us physics. That covers everything represented inside the head from outside. Everything. Including all religious claims including ‘fine tuning’. Purpose, God, is not necessary to explain any of it at all.
Also, under deconstruction, is the fact that no matter how authentic and true the Gospels and Acts are, i.e. the posit that Jesus was God incarnate and the Holy Spirit preserved the accounts verbal and written, they cannot, must not be used to explain the mind, attitude, intention, capability of God as He is. They spoke from a mid-classical antiquity culture at its final confluence with Hellenistic thought. Including the words of Jesus. He saw Himself in The Scriptures according to a distinctive epistemology of the time that cannot work for us: at best He was right for the wrong reason [and that’s OK, He was that human].
God, Love is no Killer, no Damner. That’s not how He is. He fixes everything to the good in the unimaginable transcendent for all. As always. As He always has for all infinite universes from eternity. In theory or in fact.
The trouble is that even imputing the greatest of good will to Mary, Jesus and His followers, that they all acted with the purest of motives, it doesn’t make the mystery of Christ and therefore God true.
Paul. The seven consensus letters of Paul are authentic. They bespeak the pre-Gospels Church, created by Jesus, by thirty years, that Paul, its persecutor-in-chief, was traumatically inducted in to. As do the letters of Peter and Jesus’ brothers James and Jude, all to a much lesser extent.
I want to believe in full hope of the mystery of Christ.
In the fact of eternity (meaning eternity is a fact whether Jesus is God’s proof or not).
Any use?