Brandolini’s law states it takes ten times the effort to debunk rubbish as it takes to produce it.
It takes an investment of time just to stay up to date up with the incredible discoveries continually made in astronomy. Just this week we have a report on a neutron star hyperburst. Who knows what the James Webb Telescope will deliver? Why distract oneself to investigate [ derogatory adjectives here ] ideas which make no sense even given the Ohm’s law you learned in high school? The Electric Universe cosmology is completely fanciful to explain crater formations. We have impactors sitting in museums; there is an iridium layer covering the globe from the Chicxulub event, we witnessed in Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 hitting Jupiter right before our very eyes.
One of the immediate tip offs that one is dealing with pseudo science is that there are proposed solutions for phenomena where there are already well established solutions, and problems are proposed where there is no problem to begin with. I grant you, I do not have time, patience, or sense of obligation, to engage in any depth with Electric Universe, flat earth, and such cosmologies. That does not make me close minded. That just reflects a understanding of science available to any reasonably informed lay person.
Sometimes, the more efficient cure for nonsense is not refutation but rather valid information. I would suggest you learn more about stellar formation and processes, and what is happening in cosmology. There are plenty of good resources at a lay level; even BBC and PBS documentaries would be a step in the right direction. An annotated picture book of Hubble photographs is a start. You can see for yourself that gravity defines the large scale structures in the universe.