Well I am not the source of God’s truth. So I am sure he can refute me on that. =)
Exactly right. It is on page 11.
“Creates” is too strong a term. Rather, randomness is a source of information.
True random generators are a source of information, because they are high entropy and are not compressible. True random generators (e.g. from cosmic background radiation, quantum noise, brownian motion, radioactive decay geiger counts) all produce pure information.
Pseudorandom generators in a precise technical sense are not high information, because the stream is compressible to the seed and the random algorithm. However, in practice they do produce strings indistinguishable from high information. If it is a good pseudorandom generator, the key and algorithm are secret, and we keep a secret that it is a pseudorandom string, it is effectively impossible to distinguish a pseudorandom string from information. It will be incompressible and (nearly infinite) information to anyone who does not know the compression.
This is the surprising feature about information, it is exactly equal to entropy, which is highest in random streams.