Important Clarification: Science of "TOE" vs. Metaphysics of the Eucharist?


This comes up so frequently that I will be writing a blog post about it soon.

To be very clear, I am not at all monkeying with the definition of evolution. Rather, I am being precise about the most historically and scientifically correct and consistent definition. As I have explained previously…

And also…

To this I would add, WITHIN science we only scientifically consider naturalistic explanations. OUTSIDE science we are free to extrapolate this to purely naturalistic evolution (atheism) or God-directed evolution (theism). This is one place where ID runs afoul of the rules. They insist on making the theism inference, within science.

Evolution itself is God neutral, and within the context of the origins debate (which is outside science) the correct and precise way to describe evolution is just common descent.

This is not acceptable, and this is one reason why careful use of the term “science” is warranted.