I read the other Topic that said “I’m New” thinking it was a standing topic for new users to introduce themselve. Well, it wasn’t so I am going to do just that. I am a bit surprised BioLogos doesn’t have a standing intro topic. I was a longtime sysop for my denominational BBS and that was considered a standard topic for every BBS.
Hi, I’m Ray.
A bit of Bio so you know me a bit better to respond. George Brooks and I had a conversation yesterday, and I gave him this in another topic. So I copied it to here.
I was a member of BioLogos forum about 3 1/2 years ago, but had to bow out for a while. Now I am back and enjoying it.
I am 63 and semi-retired. I have a M-Div from Azusa Pacific University in '95 and without an undergrad degree by testing out of prequal. I planned to be a pastor, but that part fell through and I ended up retiring as a senior Network Admin for major electronics manufacturing company that is currently being snapped up by a Global conglomerate (hence I can’t say the name - non-disclosure).
I have done much work in Technology and the Church, and finding my way through rethinking my established Christian Theology. I have ended up (on my own by reading the entire Bible five times back-to-back) being a Sabbath Keeper and Yahwist, though I firmly reject Seventh-day Adventists and Yahwist groups because of their cultist ways beyond the basic belief I share. Otherwise I am a solid Evangelical that has serious doubts about our established theology based on the English translations of the bible.I have been learning Hebrew (again) and brushing up on my Greek, though I have to use the English Transliterations _ I have trouble with non-roman alphabets.
I am an avid reader of Science of all kinds, and avid Science Fiction Fan from way back, and be well read in theology too. Keeps me busy! I am looking to establish my own Wiki site to store my work and eventually share with others. BioLogos is part of my plan in that direction.
I am interested in how our theology has to be rethought concerning issues that are affected by the change from the YEC-centric view to the EC view (I did get that right?).
Death in the pre-Adamic evolutionary world. It changes the whole chain of theological building blocks leading to final judgement and — Eternal life (I prefer Everlasting – smile George!)
The next is the creation narrative al la John W. The functional versus the material affects another chain including the words we use to describe ourselves as Human, Man, and Woman and Sin. So much of the Study Bible Materials and Interpretations of the English Bible would need to change.
So that’s me. I look forward to meeting you all. Am please, if I offend, be sure it is not my intent. I take the BioLogos " This is a place for gracious dialogue about science and faith." very seriously. There is so little of it in the world.
I realized this morning (after posting this Thread way too late) that BioLogos Forum is not about the personalities as much as the content. Forgive me for posting a Bio. Sysop. Please feel free to delete if you want.
Welcome, Ray! We do have some participants who are reluctant to divulge personal info because there are, sadly, churches in which a pastor can lose his* livelihood for the treasonous act of considering a non-YEC hermeneutical approach to the early chapters of Genesis. Or a member could be booted out, which may not threaten a salary but would surely be unpleasant.
Grace and peace,
Chris Falter
*I was going to say his/her livelihood, but then I realized that such churches typically do not allow women to serve as pastors.
Welcome Ray! It is always nice to know a little about who is posting. As Chris said, some either are worried about fallout that would inhibit openness in posting, some are just protective of privacy, but it is all good.
There is a FAQ section that helps get oriented to posting, just click the link at the top of the page. As moderators, we are sort of bouncers, here to keep the peace, and try to keep things on track, as well as assist when needed.
It’s fine to introduce yourself! We have an introductions thread on the homeschool forum, but no one ever started one here on the open forum. It helps to know who you are talking to and where they are coming from and what you have in common. You can always add a little bio to your profile that people could access easily any time by clicking on your avatar. It is a feature not many people use, but I always read them myself and appreciate people fill them out.
Good to have you back. We like the gracious-minded folks.
Thank you all. Yes, I have read the FAQs, and as a former sysop, I agree completely. I appreciate the fine work you are doing, and how difficult–and rewarding–it is to manage a site like this. Please feel free if you have any questions or comments that might help me along. I tend to read instructions so I don’t get bitten too hard!
Hi Christy. I tried clicking the M in the circle where an avatar picture could go but to no avail. I’m very interested in how Christian theology can be better reconciled with science. I don’t count myself as religious but I do have faith and depend on it even as an atheist. I guess that translates as feeling that there is often more wisdom available than I can reliably produce or take credit for in any straightforward way myself. I don’t call it God, but I don’t think it cares what it is called.
Hi Mark, welcome to the forum! Hopefully you will find some discussions on the questions that interest you here.
Clicking on the avatar is how people read your bio, but you have to write it first. To do that, click on your avatar in the upper right corner of the screen. Then choose the gear icon on the top right of the dropdown to go to “preferences” Then in the lefthand column, select “profile.” You can add whatever info you want and hit the blue “save changes” button at the bottom. Then when anyone clicks on your avatar, they will see your profile.
Hope to see you around!
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“Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” -Colossians 4:6
This is a place for gracious dialogue about science and faith. Please read our FAQ/Guidelines before posting.