Humor in Science and Theology

It’s a joke about how in the past they use to run strings to toes or fingers of the recently buried incase they misdiagnosed someone as being dead and buried them. If you heard bells ringing it meant someone was actually still alive. The joke is about a lazy gravedigger who does not want to dig a person back up, or it could be about a uniformed grave digger listening to what was someone’s real approaching death and not realizing what he was hearing snd instead being annoyed by the bell breaking silence.


Creepy. Thanks! I had no idea


There’s also the tradition that a bell rings when an angel gets their wings.

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I’ve never heard that one. But Christianity was something that really came into my life later on. Plus I guess I was also always taught angels were distinct being created at the beginning of time and there was no more of them to ever be created and so this particular folk tale was probably held at bay if they even knew it.

It’s from the classic Christmas film “It’s a Wonderful Life”.


I’ll have to look it up. I have never seen it. From 1947? Is that the right film? I watch a lot of old films just not this one yet.

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That’s the one, starring Jimmy Stewart. It’s a big thing in the US around the holidays.



So, clothes go to heaven also? I’ve often wondered. Are clothes raptured or do are they just left in a little pile?

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Have you seen Mark Lowry’s speech about how he wondered if his bone graft would go to heaven after him or not?

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According to at least one T-shirt I’ve seen (“In case of rapture, this T-shirt is available”) the clothes don’t go to heaven. Either that or at least one shirt owner may be a little embarrassed over their premature generosity.

What about false teeth? Metal parts inserted during surgery? Pacemakers? Contact lenses? What if you got a heart transplant from a donor. Does the donor have to get it back? (in which case maybe you get your own original back too - refurbished.)


Important questions! :grin:

They do. Heaven has changing rooms for our white robes.

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You’ve clearly never watched left behind. How else will you know Jesus came if not for a pile of clothes everywhere. What I wonder is once the rapture happens, will or will not fetuses be left behind in wombs answering a nameless debate lol. Slippery slopes. Lol.

For them record incase it’s taken even remotely serious I don’t believe in the rapture and my joke does not indicate my actual thoughts.


Need a fact check here @jpm :stuck_out_tongue:



Ha! Reminds me of the meme saying “It is 50 degrees in Portland.” “That is 50 F isn’t it? ISN’T IT?


Love it.  

The opposite problem happens when I talk to my relatives about science. They think there’s something wrong with me when I tell them it takes hot temperatures to denature most proteins, like 60 degrees or so.