Humor in Science and Theology

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I used to have a poster up in my classroom that read:

5 + 2 - 5000 = 12

With the caption underneath that read: “God’s math is not always like our math.”

Anybody with any Bible exposure at all should be able to “get it” on first glance, but in case they didn’t, the poster had pictures of loaves and fish on it. I added another little sub-caption underneath that read: “Your exams, however, will be graded using quite ordinary math.”


Today is different. Got a new religion! And I want to make everybody jump through hoops.

It is such great exercise, though, isn’t it? That, and jumping to conclusions is how I try to stay fit. I suppose it must have some entertainment value for others.

Seriously, though, perhaps wrestling back and forth even if just on the intellectual level plows up some ground for when the Spirit does move. And hopefully it ends up having been a fruitful cultivation and preparation toward such a time.


You knew that these Church Bulletin Bloopers would make their way here sometime-

40.The church will host an evening of fine dining, superb entertainment, and gracious hostility.
41.Ushers will eat latecomers.
42.Tuesday at 4PM there will be an ice cream social. All ladies giving milk will please come early.
43.Weight Watchers will meet at 7 p.m. Please use large double door at the side entrance.
44.Potluck supper: prayer and medication to follow.


So much for praying for help on math tests.

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I like to tell my students that their prayers are even more effective if given while they are still studying.

p.s. Often students will volunteer to pray before a class or an exam. One student once (notably) prayed that the exams they were about to take would accurately show what they had learned. [and she wasn’t a student who always got 'A’s!] It was such an unusual thing to hear a student pray for that it sticks out in my memory.


Wow, great humility in that student. Thanks for that “exam-ple.”

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She should go far. What more could one ask for than accurate feedback if one is looking to understand a subject correctly?


We’ve been discussing vestigial organs lately.


Those who listened to the excellent video of “Francis Collins Speaking on Genetic Engineering and Christian Faith” just few threads over may have been a bit frustrated that the video doesn’t show us the same visual aids that the live audience got to see. Well, here is at least one of those visuals – more appropriate for this thread rather than that one! Enjoy.


From the Babylon Bee:

Ken Ham Ejected From Theater For Yelling ‘WRONG’ Every Time ‘Jurassic World’ Actors Say ‘65 Million Years’



Now that is unbelievable!


Have you ever noticed that for some reason people don’t want to change their religion? (Imagine that!) A couple of young missionaries, who arrogantly describe themselves as “representatives of Jesus Christ,” find out the hard way that they are no match for this dude who has a way with words! Listen carefully, as this can be hard to understand.

Missionaries getting smoked

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You might want to try this millennial missionary blurb by John Crist :slight_smile:

So to clarify, my parents were actually the most serving and generous people I met in my life; and many millennials are too, I think. We frequently depended on church food pantries when on furlough (but Dad worked when he could back here). But–this brought a smile to my face and I shared it with the missions committee at my church.


I’m looking forward to watching this as soon as I can.

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I should have called it “The Battle of the Cults”

LOL! I LOVE John Crist. You know, what I really don’t like is the relatively new phenomenon of the “youth mission trip,” which is basically VBS for teenagers. They spend a truckload of money on airfare so teenagers can gawk at poor people, take selfies, and maybe haphazardly hammer together a few outhouses. (And, of course, go sightseeing.) And then they put on a show for the church. How entertaining! It would be better to hire the locals to do any construction (locals are often desperate for work) and then spend the money on hardworking professional missionaries such as your parents, letting them come home more often to recharge their batteries.


Good point. Steve Saint (son of Nate Saint, who was killed by the Aucas) has a hard hitting missions film series on that. He grew up with the Aucas and tells it from their perspective. He also interviews Native Americans and Africans–very much in favor of the gospel, but as one African pastor says, “those teens come for 2 weeks to save us. God, save us from the teen missionaries,” or something like that. It actually inoculates us against the gospel when we think we can go to others who are spiritually richer than we are and spend the money on ourselves. Our missions committee watched Steve Saint’s videos together–very convicting. Thanks.

I have a ton to learn, still. I think I was hitching a ride on the backs of many Nigerien and other giants by being out there as a child and teen. I have a lot to learn from the nationals and the missionaries.

I remember one child who had cerebral malaria and never was the same after that. Another died of meningitis at about 4. (actually, Dr Jane Philpott’s daughter-current minister of health in Canada). I admire Dr Philpott and the others significantly.Health Minister Jane Philpott knows the sacrifices of public service - The Globe and Mail

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