But they are very good in the way in a similar way to Larson. If you come across ones you like a lot, don’t forget us.
Not strictly science or theology, but I am certain will get a chortle out of most followers of this thread…
Wouldn’t you be afraid that when you got up to move that you may accidentally squish one. I would be worried that I would accidentally hurt one xd.
OK sure, that might move the needle!
Do you swerve for mosquitoes too?
Well… Depends…
on the whole I don’t mind a mosquito - everyone’s gotta eat, right? And the males with the super awesome feathery antennae are fascinating. However, any mosquito caught buzzing around my room in the dark is destined to feel the rough side of a rolled-up magazine.
Male Mosquito
First beautiful skeeter I ever saw. Of course the only ones I’ve reallly gotten a close look at were squished. I prefer not to provide their free lunch.
Maybe not science, but definitely humor (or humour, for some who will remain unmentioned Brits ): watch for it…
It may be more colourful but ours is more efficient.
My wife saw a Facebook meme that said “For Calvinists, every day is election day!” What miserable lives we lead. (Right, Liam? @LM77)
I want this on a Christian motivational poster to hang in my home office. I think perhaps an eagle on a blue-sky background with cursive text?
And maybe with some apocalyptically themed flames and smoke hovering just along a bottom edge or corner …
Alternatively you could have an Uncle Sam poster, only instead of Sam, it’s John Calvin himself staring you down and declaring - “He wants YOU” … “or maybe He doesn’t want you” … “in either case, it doesn’t at all matter what you want, so … never mind.”
Works for me
And there was evening and there was morning, the first election day.
Please tell me we won’t have to wait for the seventh day before getting to rest!
Depends. Let’s hope the day-age theory doesn’t apply true in this case.
It’s been an age and we can rest tomorrow.