No! No more!! Stop!!!
That reminds me of the little girl looking under the bed and reporting, “There’s someone under the bed, Mommy, but I can’t tell if they’re coming or going!”
Remember also Mathew 10:14 … so shake that dust off your butt.
As today is 10-23:
How many atoms are in a bowl of dip?
One guacamole.
How much is that?
Avocado’s number.
But it was earlier this morning: 06:01:19.71.
(I cheated: decimal time calculator. If you want to check ‘my’ work, you can do it backwards. )
If you find history repeating itself humorous, a newspaper snippet from November 2, 1918:
Not humorous as much as ironic.
Oops, not sure what happened here.
Apparently no chemists intuited the first significant figures of Avogadro’s number in it’s Halloween disguise, format (or were too polite to say what they really thought ).
Studying Job and think I found my new Bible verse tag line for social media, Job 12:2-
2 “Doubtless you are the only people who matter,
and wisdom will die with you!
I didn’t know the Bible contained such refined sarcasm.
Clearly that wolf was created in a lab.
And the wolf that isn’t there will immediately disappear on November 4th!