Young earth creationist’s favorite documentary on early humans lives.
I would think that the first such trials consisted of, “Hey, look what that monkey’s eating – think we should try it?” and then watching to see if other monkeys were eating it.
Actually, that was one of the later clinical trials, after they saw what happened to the subjects of the first.
So salad is wounded veggies?
Definitely a lot of lacerations and breaks.
Or, they might just shake their head and say “what!!?” Hopefully after doing that they will ask for help from someone who understands math.
Sort of reminds me of the old trick fathers would play on young sons. They would say to the son, which would you rather I give you this month for allowance, $20, or 1 penny a day, doubled each day, through the end of the month? Every son should have gone with the second choice, but a good thing they never did or dad would have been more than broke since that choice amounts to almost $11 million dollars. Notice that fathers never asked older sons with business degrees this question.
A nun in a Catholic school was leading a third grade class one day. The subject being discussed was “What do you want to be when you grow up?”
One of the students spang up. “I want to be an astronaut,” she said. Then another student added, “I want to be a firefighter.”
Then came Little Lucy’s turn. Lucy stood up and boldly said, “I want to be a prostitute.”
“What did you say, Lucy?” the nun asked in surprise.
“I want to be a prostitute,” Lucy repeated.
“Oh thank God,” the sister sighed. “I thought you said you wanted to be a Protestant.”
I first heard that from a Catholic priest.
It’s the Hogwarts Angels!
Well, the angel striking Herod Agrippa I so that he died of worms could be a Helminths Angel.