Humor in Science and Theology

I put the caller on hold and composed myself to begin with. Not my most professional moment, to say the least. Then I got in the phone book (remember those?) and got the number for the local Catholic dioces as well as this HUGE local non-denom church that does faith healings. I figured there would be someone at one place or the other who felt more qualified to help the person.


Isn’t that an oxymoron? ; - )

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That sounds a lot more fun than than the usual result of a presentation: PowerPoint poisoning.

Enjoy this hymn:

Send Us Thine Asteroid, O Lord



I hope those churches paid you for the referral.

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The down side of librarianship is you rarely know the rest of the story.


Flood, asteroid … whatever. We have it coming. :wink:

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Boy, I never thought of it that way–but that is intriguing! Thanks.

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A few times a coworker has noticed my or another staff member’s name in the acknowlegements in a book that is being considered for our library’s award program. I sometimes have no recollection of the person, but maybe the question, particularly if it was interesting or led to a further research project that I can use for other purposes for the library.
One of my favorite such questions grew into a project revolved around a prison newspaper one of our regular patrons needed for an article he was writing. I knew we had it, because I had used it not long before. The hunt was on, and I was frustrated that it was so hard to find something I knew existed. I learned a lot about how the prison newspapers were cataloged, and started collecting up titles and call numbers to make a bibliography. The more I dug, the more I found. About 18 months ago, while I was still trying to practice librarianship from my basement, my coworker, who focuses on state documents got a call from a database company, that was working on a project, digitizing and publishing electronically prison newspapers from around the U.S. “Do you know if you have any?” “Funny you should ask. My coworker has identified at least 42 in our collection.” I’ve pulled all the first copies of what I had identified, and they will soon be digitized for my library and shared with the database folks. I keep finding more bits and pieces, and have also found some newspapers from our state mental hospitals. So it keeps going. Gold mine.

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Looks like a normal church to me.

[The only people allowed through that front door are the mean parishioners, right?]


And even they’re pretty average…


9 times out of 10.


I’m afraid to ask about this. You probably are also.


I think I’ve seen a similar church to this one is Iceland. Or is that the one?



This was funny.


I dunno. That doesn’t seem… natural. :crazy_face:


I was thinking the same thing.

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Just put Datura fruit in your food. That should keep you from eating it. And, as a plus, keep you from getting CoViD (so some people in India were misled, sending 12 of them to the hospital).