Humor in Science and Theology

As a big Half Life fan I thought the image was very funny. Sadly, I donā€™t think theyā€™ll ever be a Half Life 3.

Valve released HL2 to show off what itā€™s engine could do and ensure there was at least one AAA game on Steam when it launched. I donā€™t think they ever expected it to be so popular.

A shame really, Gordon deserves better.

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Especially Adrian Shephard. Remember him? I bet Valve doesnā€™t!

Mushroom ID? Xd. Perhaps itā€™s an Amansava?


Is that really a mushroom? Wow, thatā€™s convincing!

Ken Ham would have humans taking dinosaur reins. :grin:

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Noah after getting the ok to eat meat from God for being such a good zookeeper, circa 3,000 BC


Is this a painting of St. Thomas Aquinas, or is it of someone else?




Iā€™m unashamedly stealing this. Fortunately my sins are forgiven.


I stole it first


An expansion on one from my current math textbook:

"The mother was exasperated because the mess in the kidsā€™ room increased exponentially. Only 10 items were out of place at 9 a.m., but 40 minutes later 80 items were out of place. How many items were out of place by 11 am? "

If we assume that these kids are magical exponentially increasing disorder-generators (not too unrealistic an assumption), and that the kids will eventually be rearranging Planck volumes (less realistic assumption), then there is a limit on how long this can continue: 28 hours and six seconds. That is when the radius of the expanding ball of rearranged Planck volumes must start expanding faster than c. This will occur when the ball is exactly one light second in diameter. The number of things can only expand along with t^3, rather than 2^(1/800*t) (t in seconds) now.


Thatā€™s a familiar situation in my houseā€¦ I think by 11 a.m. Iā€™m leaning more toward qualitative assessments than quantitative. :wink:


The radius expands faster than c in our house thatā€™s for sure. Mess rarely obeys the laws of physics.


Some one created a clever (and even a mite disturbing) squash scene on the obstetrics floor at our hospital


Evidence for how terrible HFCS is:
Per capita consumption of high fructose corn syrup (US) correlates with Murders by hanging, strangulation and suffocation (,
it also correlates well with deaths due to collisions with smaller consumer vehicles (deaths of pedestrians, drivers, and passengers seperately), and deaths caused by inhalation of gastric contents. It strongly inversely correlates with US spending on science, space, and technology.

From the same source one can add:
So this is what computer science doctorates are good for:
Total revenue generated by arcades (US) correlates with Computer science doctorates awarded (US), Civil engineering doctorates awarded (US), and Engineering doctorates awarded (US), PhDs awarded to women in all fields (US), Biology and Biomedical doctorates, Uranium stored at US nuclear power plants, and a huge number of other things that generally go with population. Also, people who drink whole milk, die during surgery, or get legally executed donā€™t spend money at arcades (or vice versa).


Reminds me of this:


Very naughty, Phil!



My son when he was about 15 months old reached out with one hand and touched his momā€™s phone for one swipe and it froze up and would not work. We took it to this phone store and the guy said that this is the risk you run when trying to hack your phone or something. I told him we were not. He was convinced that it was and said this would have taken several minutes to Jack it up this bad. We kept swearing he did it with one hand in one swipe. The guy refused to believe it and said it was impossible. We had to buy a new phone and the other one never worked again.