Human Chimp Genome Similarity

Hi Steve,

I have quite a backlog of questions to deal with, and only half an hour free, so I will try to tick off one of the major ones.

In response to my comment:

You said

As far as I can make out from NCBI, PanTro 3 and 4 were based on 6x Sanger genome coverage. PanTro5 had an additional 55x coverage of Illumina overlapping paired 250bp length reads, 2 Lanes of a Chicago library (Hi-C from Dovetail Genomics) and 9x coverage of PacBio long single molecule reads. The total sequence length of PanTro5 is 3,231,154,112bp (ungapped length =3,132,603,083bp), whereas PanTro4 is 3,309,561,368 (2,902,353,696bp ungapped).

I think it is worth noting that although PanTro5 has considerably more data that PanTro4, and is 8% longer in its ungapped length, it has only yielded an increase of one-to-one orthology with the human genome of 1.9% (from 82.3% to 84.2%).

I can’t find anything online about PanTro6. If you have access to information about how this is an improvement on PanTro5, I would be very grateful.