How to approach struggling YEC families?

I’m sorry Adam, but that is just patent nonsense.

When a YECist claims that scientists make assumptions that they do not, that is making claims that are demonstrably false.

When a YECist claims that rock formations are not fractured when their own photographs clearly show otherwise, that is making claims that are demonstrably false.

When a YECist claims that soft tissue in dinosaur fossils contains red blood cells, osteocytes, DNA and collagen, when all that it actually contains is the ultimately stable breakdown products of red blood cells, osteocytes, DNA and collagen, that is making claims that are demonstrably false.

When a YECist claims that contamination in carbon-14 measurements of ancient coals and diamonds is some sort of “rescuing device,” that is making claims that are demonstrably false.

When a YECist claims that fossils-are-used-to-date-rocks-and-rocks-are-used-to-date-fossils, that is making claims that are demonstrably false.

When a YECist exaggerates the extent or significance of unreliability or errors in radiometric dating, that is making claims that are demonstrably false.

When a YECist claims that evolution and millions of years are motivated by secularism or atheism, that is making claims that are demonstrably false.

When a YECist claims that we can’t tell anything about the distant past because no-one was there to see it happen, that is making claims that are demonstrably false.