How much science should we expect other people to understand?

I have not been keeping up with the discussion in this thread, so I don’t know where the conversation has been going. i am still focused on on @jammycakes 's OP. I read this post by @Wesley_Coleman just now:

and thought it was a really good example to use for discussion here. How would “the average American Josephine” work through this?

Most people simply would not, I’m afraid. “Above my pay grade” or would find it intimidating. “So many words.” “Guy seems to know what he’s talking about.” “I don’t want to have to go back and read the post he is replying to, which will be just as much work…” etc.

I read @rsewell 's post to which Wesley_Coleman’s post is responding. Ron’s was clear, I think. But I don’t have the time to investigate his statements to make sure they are right. Although they are consistent -I think-with what I have seen at, say, the Indiana State Museum (awesome!!!). But maybe the museum displays have been fudged to fit the claims they want me to believe. (For what purpose?)

The Wesley_Coleman brings things from Ron’s post into question. Going through it all will take me a good deal of time as it probably did the respondant. Evaluating what questions he brings but does not answer himself will be something I would need to do. But then what? Ask AIG? Or DI?

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