Hi. I’m new to Biologos and have a question



Don’t take this too personally, but I am way too busy to try to maintain a conversation with someone as militantly opposed to natural law as you are.

Have a great weekend.

That is an empty statement and fails to address the question at hand, which you are dodging because, it’s impossible for any animal, genetically-speaking, to ever produce an animal with a body-plan unlike itself. There are 10 quadrillion ants on Earth, all happy to be the kind of ants they are! There are 57 quadrillion spiders on Earth, all happy to be the kind of spiders they are! Arguing with evolutionists has made me an unhappy human, wanting to prove myself wrong by transitioning into a hualien! That way I can build a spaceship and get outta here!

Well, sorta: Think Twice About Sharing That Six-Legged Animal - Modern Farmer

Animals with extra limbs are not that terribly rare, evidently. But your point is taken, to some extent, though it seems these extra limbs are a throwback developmentally to the fin lines of our fishy ancestors in some cases.

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I think it’s understood that it cannot happen as part of an ongoing chain of evolutionary transitional forms! In other words, these anomalies do not lead anywhere! I don’t know enough about it to prove that they are not “throwback” examples. What I suspect is that some human genes were defective, and produced non-human parts! This seems to be the case because, the anomalies are not passed down and therefore are not normal. If this were a “throwback” we’d expect to see it far more often.

If a different body-plan NEVER comes about, as you just admitted, then the same body plan ALWAYS continues in ALL offspring and no evolution from one animal to another ever happens! How do you propose that a new animal can come about if there’s never a change in body-plan at any point? That is clearly bunk!

This isn’t some closely guarded, embarrassing secret. As Christy said, it’s how evolution actually works, and so you are agreeing with evolutionists! Aside from a few anomalies that don’t get continued in the genetic line in any case, no animal is significantly different in body plan from either its parents or its children. Change is incremental - that is very slow; it happens to populations, not individuals; and it happens over eons of time, not within the span of civilizations. Even punctuated equilibrium still involves millions of years … i.e. “punctuated” or “sudden” in a geological sense, but still nothing close to the “child with a radically different body plan than its parents” scenario that you rightly reject.


I’m not going to waste my time on this. You’ve been here before spouting the exact same silliness about the 1980 conference and body plans. It does nothing to further any conversation.

One of our guidelines is don’t repeat the same thing over and over. This forum is not the appropriate place to vent your ignorance about evolutionary theory over and over again. If that is all you want to come here to do, your account is going to get suspended. Your choices are to either start a thread where you ask questions and try to learn something, actually address the OP here, or stop posting. You are free to present actual counter arguments, but EVOLUTION IS STUPID, is not a counter-argument and it is beneath the level of discourse we expect here.


Hi Vivi02,
Could I point you to the Faraday Institute: Telling A Better Story – Why Faith and Science Belong Together | Faraday. They have great thought provoking lectures, easily understandable. They may help wyou with your excellent searching questions. I too have been working through the metaphorical early Genesis accounts too. I’m learning that while evolution may be true and becoming more factual as evidence is uncovered, the Genesis accounts describe events in a way that any person can understand. Two good books you may also find very useful : The Genesis Enigma by Andrew Parker & Homo Lapsus by Niamh Middleton. Martin W


Martin, welcome to the forum - and thanks for the helpful link!

Unfortunately, because Mike’s (Hornetnester) posts aren’t living up to forum guidelines, the last couple of them are deleted. But if you wish to continue your conversation with him privately, that is easy to do. Just click on his ‘H’ avatar up in a prior post still showing, and click the blue ‘message’ button. You can even add others into your private conversation as you may desire.

Or either you or he can just start a new thread too. Contrary to Mike’s claims, his posts aren’t being deleted because anybody is threatened by them. They are simply off topic for this particular thread, and beyond that aren’t much living up to gracious dialogue either.

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