Do you see the contradiction between the philosophies of the world and His Word?
We are warned in His Word:
2Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires.
We are either being transformed by the renewing of our minds by His Word or we are being brainwashed with the philosophies of the world.
This is an example of the consensus group philosophy:
For the benefit of those who have not yet heard of the Hegelian Dialectic, let me briefly run through it as taught by Authority Research Center president, Dean Gotcher. The Hegelian Dialectic or “Consensus Process” is a 200 year-old, three-step process of “thesis, antithesis and synthesis”, developed in the late 1700’s by a German named Georg William Friedreich Hegel that results in what we now know as “group-think”. It is a system Dean calls “Praxis” that Socialists have used for centuries to seduce, seize and control mass populations without warfare. It is also in full operation here in the United States under such names as: “Outcome Based Education”, “Goals 2000”, “Sustainable Development”, “School To Work”, “DARE” and many more. It’s all about embracing “tolerance, diversity and unity” for The New World Order. To put it in layman’s terms, it’s brainwashing.
Here’s how it works: A group gathers, and has agreed beforehand that each in attendance will ultimately surrender his or her own personal position on any given issue to the will or “consensus” of the group after processing to consensus through dialog. In a Christian setting, the presupposition is that the group’s will determines “the will of God”. The group’s “facilitator”, whoever that may be, mediates between sides, be they “good and evil”, “for and against”, “republican and democrat”, “liberal and conservative”, etc., whatever the case may be, often instigating heated confrontations between the opposing sides for the purpose of suggesting compromise as the perfect solution to restore and maintain the peace and the relationships of everyone involved.
The resulting outcome or consensus is then re-introduced if necessary, at the next meeting for more “Praxis”, more dialog and more compromise until another “consensus” is reached. Then the “process” repeats all over again…and again…and again until the facilitator’s desired outcome is achieved. Over time, the convictions and concerns anyone may have had originally are processed away beyond recognition or relevance leaving one and all to accept the facilitator’s pre-determined outcome as the consensus of the group. It’s no longer a question of what is right or wrong, good or bad, lawful or unlawful, but rather HOW WE ALL FEEL ABOUT IT… no absolutes , no conscience, no convictions, no laws, no Constitution, no Bible and NO GOD !!!..only consensus…and a contrived consensus at that. That’s the Hegelian Dialectic.