Have you seen The Ark and the Darkness?

Just got notification of this via the Christian Post. Would be good if someone with geological education could review it:

The Ark and the Darkness - Fathom Events

Reviewing that seems worthy of a separate post, so will make one for it. My wife said a friend suggested she see it, but was not interested. Evidently has some end times stuff in it as well, according to her friend.

Joel Duff has done a review of sorts.


I listened to most of the review… Interesting in that it seems like so much of the focus was on end times and judgement.


Here’s a link to his blog post where he summarizes the review, for those who’d like a brief overview:

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That was the vibe I got when watching the trailer.

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Joel is going to go over the evidence presented and explain why they get it wrong in a future video. When he posts it I will let everyone know. If I remember correctly he said 75% of it was the same old same old so it will be interesting to see what is new.


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