Has anyone thought of writing a paraphrase of Gen 1-11?

I think that would be cool. I almost said a translation but not quite that. It would basically go verse by verse and kind of re-write it from the biologos perspective. So that we can see the whole picture. Similar to, but not quite exactly what, the Big Story does.

The Big Story hits creation in a nutshell, and I thought that was very cool. But, per one of my earlier topics, I always think there’s a bit of overemphasis on accommodating the science and not enough on contextualizing the scripture.

Because while the Big Story is awesome, it has a necessary continuance where now that it gets through Genesis 1, it has to deal with Genesis 2-11 and frame the Garden narrative, Cain and Abel, Genealogies, Flood, Tower of Babel and Table of Nations.

The Big Story may be all well and good as a story of creation from the perspective of the book of nature, but we still need to deal with explaining what all of these things in the book of scripture mean. And since creation is so tied in with, or necessarily flows into, the other narratives, how one tells that first story will affect how the others should be told.

Has anyone undertaken to do something like that in a comprehensive way? The more John Walton I read the more I love him, but I’ve only read Lost World of Gen 1 and Lost World of Adam and Eve. Ordered Lost World of Scripture. But I still don’t think he has a work where he goes verse by verse through the whole 1-11 comprehensively.

If he were to have written a paraphrase, what do you think it would sound like? Give it a stab…

I think I will give it a stab when I get some more time. At least for Genesis 1, so that it can show what I mean and hopefully spur more efforts to contribute the same.

I’m not sure I’d view The Big Story as a paraphrase of Genesis 1, even if that was what was intended by it. The closest parallel I see in the Bible to The Big Story is Elihu’s speech in the Book of Job.

Elihu tends to be overlooked in a lot of discussions about Job, because he’s just a young pipsqueak and some people see him as being theologically shallow. In actual fact, he plays a pretty important role in the narrative, because he changes the entire tone and focus of the conversation. He takes Job’s focus right away from his earthly problems and his three incompetent therapists, and shifts it gradually but firmly onto God, with a youthful exuberance and excitement that by the time you get to chapter 37 is a joy to read. The Big Story seems to do much the same – it leads up to a climax where you’ve lost sight of the technicalities of creation, and are focused entirely on the Creator.

I think that correcting “world” to “land” in Genesis 2 and in the story of Noah would be sufficient. Genesis 1 fits with natural history pretty well once you look at it from the perspective of someone with no science education watching the highlights of natural history from the viewpoint of standing on the surface of the earth. Reasons.org explains this pretty well as part of their progressive creationism. I prefer theistic evolution.