Gobekli Tepe: The World’s First Temple Discovered In Turkey


I first came across this a year or more ago. Fascinating find. I saw tv documentary on this find and they showed the reason why people organized around this area was because of the kind of plant{ wheat? } that grew there.

Apparrently most wheats or grasses of that species fall off easily if touched i.e attempted to be harvested, but in this area, that wheat/grass kernal/fruit does not fall off easily when touched ergo made it more easy to harvest and manipulate.

The other more speculative ideas come from the picto-graphs on one of the monuments. Some who have studied them show that the people of that time witnessed a metorite impact that occurred in Norht America in the approixmate time.

Ive had read and seen various info regarding this metor impact at a time the ice age may have been in decline{?} over North America and specifically north of the great lakes in US. Apparrently there is not an impact crater because the meteor hit only thick ice.

So ice melted but Earth was not impacted enough to be record or show evidence of the impact.

The third thing that is interesting to the scientists is that it appears that whoever built these monuments and temple intentionally buried it with rocks, Because the used rocks --instead of Earth/Soil-- water ran off and did not do signifcantly damage to the site.

Another aside I read somewhere —an foget many of the details-- was that Fullerenes were created from this impact and they have found these Fullerenes in caves in South or North Carolina ergo more evidence that there were some severe pressures created on Earth at around this time.

In the same program or another, they gave a scenario that we may have had Indians from Europe who lived on East coast, and when the impact happened, storms not only caused the exstinction of woolly bison and saber tooth tiger, but that those East coast Indians may have migrated west in search of more fertile and/or warmer environment.

They then met the Clovis people of Texas or New Mexico. So we have two kinds of spear heads there what being created East Coast Folsom and Western Clovis and the two cultures encountered each other.

One from European route/pahways and the other from Asian route/pathways.

This link is also very informative

The site has been discussed several times here. Just do a search.


For example:

I went to the thread above. It was 2017 and some of the info I presented was not in that thread.

A year later there may exist new information not mentioned in any of the other threads of the past.

There may exist newer people here that have never seen heard of Gobeklii Tepe or visited new web pages with more indepth understanding.

Ex I gave info regarding the differrent kinds of wheat-grasses that I saw on TV documentary and found on no web site at the time I first came acrouss this info, about a year or so ago.

Again it is speculation on some peoples part, that these Gobeklii peoples were alive, witnessed and recorded a metor in the skys and then impacting Earth.

Other than the much smaller metor that exploded in Siberia a few years back and recorded on vidieo, I dont recall any human recordings of meteor impacts other than this potential picto-gpahic recording by the Gobeklii peoples.

Also I recounted the lady scientist who attempted to reproduce meteor impact pressures in lab and was surprised to find more complex molecules from less complex molecules.

Think about it. This site was dissmissed in 60’s i.e. we looked at it, disscussed and nothing of significance there. Then 30 years later they look again and find there is something of significance there.

2017 was a year ago. I’m revisting the info a year later. If I didnt state this previously I will state here now, we will know more in the future. Unless we do not look to increase our knowledge base.

Also the scenario I gave regarding European based Folsom Indiea migrating west to escape storm resultants of the meteor impact, meeting the Asian based Clovis peoples.

We will know more in the future and we should relook at those things that have looked at before. I gave example in another thread, regarding persistence pays off.

We may not grasp or have the whole/full picture first time we see something. Overtime I viewpoint changes or technologies change or little details we did not notice before or were not there before may appear it is important that we revisit information and information surrounding the focus of our intent.

I believe that was a PBS program and I have link to it somewhere around here.

The point in directing you to the old thread wasn’t to say nothing more needed to be said, just that people might not want to repeat the same conversation, so you should be aware of it. That’s all.

I understand. None may respond to this thread except to state what you have made clear. Thanks for heads-up{?}. Whats another word for heads-up? Warning, caution? Put on notice?

I would just say ‘heads-up.’ :slight_smile:

Sure thing Christy and thanks again. Now I’m more enlightened :flashlight: an anchored :anchor: to reality :+1:

200 forum points for creative emoji use!

I am probably walking out on a limb here. Chatting on this particular subject for the last 8 years is what propels the thoughts I have so far invested in this website.

To the point where I have recently mentioned that this event was more than has been thought of. Scientist are a conservative lot when it comes to practice, if not so much in their theories. So liberal in my theory it may have been the event that “created” the moon and caused the cataclysmic event that these people recorded for posterity. They were trying to reach out to the pre-Flood civilization to offer them help and guidance. Perhaps the birthplace of religion itself and the advent of mythical gods. That is among all the other things that have been brought up. Yep this brings up a lot of controversial points.

The last I read on accepted cosmology is that the moon as we see it today, did not form at the same time under what we would assume normal accretion of the solar disk. There was a collision after the point of initial accretion. Now on a time scale much less liberal than current evidence, of course, but in accordance with the Biblical account, such an occurance only contradicts the interpretation of the evidence while leaving the evidence in tack. It has been discussed as pseudo science as even the Mesopotamian creation accounts would indicate, as they deal more with planetary phenomenon than Genesis does. The “noise” and disruption of the planetary beings, which had to be dealt with. The effects of how the situation worked itself out, which had a profound impact to life on earth.

Are you thinking along the lines of Velikovsky’s “Worlds in Collusion”?

No. I am talking about the text of ANE creation stories, and the moon being the left over result of two planetary bodies colliding. The Biblical account of the Flood does not mention the mechanics of the cause of the Flood. Just the result. The ANE accounts describe it in metaphor using the names of gods.

I am not sure there is any strict concensus on what exactly happened in the process of attaining the moon as our sole satellite. Nor the exact time frame given. I just remember watching a few videos on the topic.

The Biblical account also requires the type of evidence that would persist until today and yet we find none.

You might want to check Wikipedia. The proposed impact is dated at 4.51 billion years ago.

An impact of this size would be an ELE if life was present.

According to your link it was 13 ma after the earth was formed. That was my point. Thanks for the link. Earth at 4550. The moon “event” was at 4527.

How do you propose that humans in the ANE came about making a record of planetary bodies changing positions?

That must be that new math.

They didn’t? They thought the stars and planets were gods capable of moving around. They had no conception of a planet.

I keep hearing that as an answer. How exactly do you know everything that was in the mind of every ANE?

I am going to guess that you are talking about

We know what they thought based on their art and literature.


Or they named the planets with descriptive terms and knew exactly what they were.

And with nothing but naked eye observation how did they come to this knowledge of exactly what they were?

Oh, let me guess, a friendly space alien dropped by and showed them a video.