Genesis is history and can't be forced to fit with evolutionary theory

I don’t have time to list them all, but for example, in a book that was recently acquired by a library I use, Convicted: A Scientist Examines the Evidence for Christianity by Brad Harrub, the old “the oceans aren’t salty enough for the earth to be really old” argument was trotted out.

Others that come to mind are claiming that no transitional fossils have been found, or that radioactive dating methods are unreliable.

The Grand Canyon pictures comes to mind. Misrepresentation of Grand Canyon rock formations

I’m a Christian. I don’t feel the need to put any -ist labels on myself. I accept the overwhelming evidence that the earth is ancient and the evolutionary model explains the diversity of life on earth. But I don’t see evolution as a belief system.

I have found on these forums that people mean lots of different things when they say “information” and ID subscribers regularly move the goal posts. Evolution can explain what it sets out to explain just fine.

Nope, but I know who he is, and I know his challenges to the scientific consensus have not really amounted to much. I’m not a scientist, I’m a Bible translator. I leave the science to the science people I trust. I no longer trust YEC or ID proponents.