Free covid-19 at home tests from the government

Every U.S. household is eligible to order 4 free at-home COVID-⁠19 tests with free shipping

Order here


No free home tests in UK since April (as far as I’m concerned). Is COVID still a problem in US?

Yes. We have a “Tridemic” “Tripledemic” going on here–Influenza, Covid-19, and RSV. Part of the reason is that folks travel for the holidays. And they have been slow in getting the 2nd Covid booster.

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Covid is still rampant. Fortunately, it seems most have mild cases.

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The pandemic is not over, but people are acting like it is.

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Just got word this morning that my daughter and her husband who were to come up tomorrow for Christmas, have Covid. So, looks like grandma and grandpa are home alone. Somehow, I don;t think they will make a movie about that.

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Sorry to have to ‘like’ that. :confused:

It certainly wouldn’t be a very fun one.

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