Finding God or him finding us

Well you might then remove the agnostic from your name since youre so sure :smile:
(jk just kidding).

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if you really have to "make it"then theres some problem.Fortunatelly we dont have to

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Yes, God is who he is, whether we like who he is or not. We do not get to make him what we want him to be.

And he is the Potter.

We all make it. The problem is in not recognizing that. If we don’t make it, who is? That doesn’t mean He’s not immanent. It’s because He’s immanent we have to make it.

I will only reward the positive.

You are more than welcome to talk about universalism here and its perceived truth or falsity, pros and cons. I’m not a universalist, others here are. Either way, it is not a protected topic either way. Hope that helps.

I think what @Dale may have been referring to is that he and @Klax have a propensity to engage in one line sibling bickering (:wink:) when discussing certain topics which if let run inevitably results in Moderator bulk deletion! By keeping it in the PMs it saves on housework :sweat_smile:


I’ve certainly brought it up any number of times and can’t recall ever having it discouraged. It seems to me entirely consistent for a professing Christian to only believe as they do but also respectfully accept the autonomy of those who believe other things.

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