You are way ahead of me. I only started reading theology in earnest about 1.5 years ago. Before that, I took a correspondence course by FF Bruce in Acts from Moody about 25 years ago!
Favorites so far:
Peter Enns–Inspiration and Incarnation, Sin of Certainty, The Bible Tells Me So, and Evolution of Adam. I also follow his podcast, as do you.
Michael Bird, Australia (especially his writing on inerrancy in Five Views, Counterpoints, with Enns, Mohler, Vanhoozer, and Franke)–good counterpoint/critique of the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy with humor and from a non-American standpoint.
Denis Lamoureux–took his online course PhD in theology, evolutionary biology and doctorate in dentistry)
Randal Rauser, “What’s So Confusing About Grace?”
Matt Bates, Matt Lynch, Erin Heim at Onscript Podcast ( have introduced me to a lot of different Bible scholars with a weekly interview of various ones (beware of the April 1 one).
Greg Boyd, “Cross Vision”–I don’t completely agree with him, but has terrific insights.
I am learning way more by reading you and others who post here.
I hate to reveal my ignorance, but I can recognize Benjamin Sommer, Enns, Waltke, Walton, and that’s about all on your collage! Can you let me know what the others are so I can read more? Thanks. Looks like a good bunch.
Most normal people would consider the fact the you can recognize any Bible scholars by photo to be revealing of your nerdiness not your ignorance. You have to remember you are in a bit of a bizarro world here.
I’d like to think of this bizarro world as an intellectual world. I’m 6’3 and enjoy basketball but that doesn’t mean I can’t also enjoy Everett Ferguson’s 600 page mammoth Backgrounds of Early Christianity.
P.S. I bet I would know the names of those guys on that collage, but most of the pictures simply escape me.