Explaining the Stratigraphy of the Southeastern United States Coastal Plain

I am curious if anyone knows of, or can think of a young-earth model that is compatible with the stratigraphic record of the southeastern US coastal plain, as none that I have encountered can explain dozens of significant changes in sea level. The fossils contained in the pertinent formations could not be deposited by a series of megatsunamis, as anything of the kind would destroy the many extremely fragile fossil shells. Also, many of the formations, or their subunits, have an upper section that experienced induration (starting to turn into limestone). Induration requires percolating fresh groundwater. Each formation has a unique fauna, often reflecting a different climate from those immediately above and below it. The formations follow a very consistent pattern of increasing extinction rates with stratigraphic age.

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Given how most flood geologists confidently claim they can explain everything via the flood or the post-flood ice age, yet can’t agree on the basics of which strata are flood deposits… I think they will gladly give you a model that easily explains it but couldn’t come to a consensus, kind of like this diagram shows more broadly speaking:


That is basically what I would expect. My question boils down to this: if these deposits were formed during the flood, then how did the sea level drop close to the current level and rise back up to 10s-100s of meters above current sea level multiple times; or, if the deposits are post-flood, then why are there no records of repeated changes in sea level of 50 meters or more? Correlation with other formations dates those that I am most familiar with as Plio-Pleistocene, though the issue comes up from the Upper Cretaceous onwards.


Add it to the very long list of things the young earth science fiction story cannot explain adequately. Maybe because it isn’t really science?


I basically agree. They don’t ever really produce concrete anything as far as science is concerned.

I’ve brought up something similar before concerning the fauna changes of florida and how we can tell it went from a panhandle to islands and so on several times. That’s part of why there is a lot of biodiversity. Went from island evolution to attached to mainland and so on. They basically tried to argue it was caused by Pangea breaking up at the Tower of Babel, from all the ice melting in the ages flooding into the gulf and the meteorite that struck the gulf linked to the potential hit that helped bring down the mega dinosaur fauna and somewhere in the story they bring up the flood.

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