Exodus from Egypt or Indus Valley?

And since the other thread was closed I don’t want to lose my carefully crafted answer to @bharatjj points he raised there.

Point: OK. So you have two loanwords Pharaoh and Habiru. Both are generic and have no connection with Moses.

Counterpoint: You claim Moses wrote Exodus so he would certainly have a connection with the word.

Point: Maybe. Instead of simply saying, “No, no,” why don’t you lay out when the LXX was translated and where?

Counterpoint: See Septuagint - Wikipedia

Point: The word was changed (and places reidentified) between the Exile and LXX.

Counterpoint: So there was a massive edit after the Exile that just happened to include Egyptian loan words that came from 1,000 years before? The use of the Egyptian loan words declined in the later books of the Hebrew Bible as you would expect since the authors no longer had a close connection to Egypt.

Point: Julius Wellhausen’s work, if I remember, places the composition of the present Torah around the Exile plus-or-minus.

Counterpoint: The father of the documentary hypothesis back in the 1878. Slight problem. “The consensus around the classical documentary hypothesis has now collapsed.”

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What about it? How does it relate to your problem with Jesus?

I think it is time to rest. I am sad that I am unable to communicate to you that the consensus scholars are leading to the decline of religions. We need to face head on the problems of historicity of the scriptures. That necessarily means going against the scholars on certain points. Only then we can revive the religions and come closer to God. So bye for now.

I don’t believe in any of our discussions you have mentioned this, but you go to consensus (and out of date) scholars when it suits you and are quite fond of quoting from commentaries which tend to be based on the consensus. And you seem to think that only Judaism/Christianity needs to be overthrown.

And the scholars address this. It is a quite broad field that is actively being expanded and debated. A field I fear you (and I) are not qualified to critique.

I believe that the majority of Christians are much closer to God than you and I certainly don’t believe Christianity needs to be rewritten to the degree you have suggested.

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No no. I am working on islam and hinduism also.

I am qualified. You absolutely refuse to deal with archaeology, geography and narratives. So what can I do?

I cannot comment on this. Will this closeness to God explain the decline of religions and conflicts between them?

Proposed Translations:

  • First Premise: Continuation of religions with a “high [i.e. sacred, inspired, and true] view” of their scriptures is causing the traditional religions to decline.
    • Paraphrase: Historical Scriptures–i.e. those considered by the adherents of existing religions–[specifically: Judaism’s Tanakh, Christianity’s Bible, and Islam’s Qur’an] are–as long as they continue to be considered as “inspired and true”–cause said religions to decline.
  • Second Premise: Said “Historical Scriptures” should be viewed as not inspired and not true “on certain points”.
  • Conclusion: Only then can we all remake religion, enjoy true “peace, love, and harmony”, and get closer to God.

Care to share?

You have never addressed the massive amount of archaeological evidence for the sojourn in Egypt.

Saying this Biblical location really means this location in India, with nothing in support, is just your opinion.

Parallels in narratives, when you ignore the differences, is not support for your theory.

Just like in science, if you want to overturn a paradigm you new theory has to explain all of the current data and explain data the current theory does not.

I would suggest you take the time to write out a chronology of what you think happened and when. Then we can see how well it lines up with the known evidence.

I said the majority, not all.

  • The “Pied Piper” weeps because rats will not follow him and cats won’t be herded. Bummer. eh? Sounds like he’s in the wrong line of business.

Happy to do this if you promise not to evade geography, archaeology and narratives. And you promise not to be accusative. I am not into adversarial conversations. I am not trying to convert anyone. I am trying to understand the scriptures. Please remember that consensus of science also gets overturned.

Gentlemen, it appears that this conversation is close to running its course. You’ve got a couple of hours for any final remarks and then this topic will close. Thanks.


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