I see that Alvin Plantinga won the Templetom Prize 2017:
“American scholar Alvin Plantinga, a pioneering advocate for theism, or belief in God, as a serious philosophical position within academic circles, was named the winner of the 2017 Templeton Prize.
Plantinga, 84, a retired professor at the University of Notre Dame, won the award for revolutionizing “the way we think,” said Heather Templeton Dill, president of the John Templeton Foundation, which awards the annual prize.”
After reading and watching videos from Plantinga over the years, his response to the idea that “The mainstream practice of science is still our best shot at understanding God’s Creation” may be for him to suggest that if man is a product of natural processes which are based on the survival of the fittest and mutation which this statement inevitably has to support, then man is an incapable agent of truly demonstrating that we arrived on this planet via these natural processes because we are just a byproduct of nature who is declaring such things for the purposes of survival. I believe that he would therefore reject this truth claim on a philosophical level about the belief that science is our best shot! And this idea is demonstratively unchristian as it goes directly against the grain of many Biblical principles not to mention that it is unreasonable.
So, on the other hand, if we were created in God’s image in an instant which the Bible plainly states and is very much within reason and actually takes less faith to believe compared to the idea that amoral nature created us, then we can conclude that we humans have been given the tools as God’s creation to not only declare how we arrived via God speaking us into existence, but also are given the gift of science for how it was intended to be used: It is not the best vehicle for determining what occurred at the beginning of human existence where it is a gift from God for determining solutions for problems humans face as God’s creations who are placed upon a planet that became stained with sin by us!
I just read this sobering article on Fox that suggest, based on research that science has become very poor and the scientific method unused to a significant extent:
Could it be that the bad fruit of such pseudo science supposedly in practice in many circles today be attributed and seeded by the practice of secularism pushing God so way back to the back burner that they force themselves into an evolutionary naturalistic thinking which then bases the foolishness of belief that science is really capable of determining our beginnings? It believes that evolutionary science being capable of vast determinations first then places the pieces of discovery to fit the belief second. Bad science right? I believe that God has a way to illuminate us with such obvious embarrassing practice as declared in this article for the sake of awakening us towards Him and His truth!
In closing, I am reading a book called Union with Christ. In this book there is a chapter called “whatever happened to Union with Christ,” it suggests that the tendency for humans towards enchanted movies and obsessions with vampires and zombies be possibly a “reaction to the modern notion that only what is empirical or observable can be real and true.” I personally believe that people since original sin towards God by Adam have a void in our hearts for God who is a God of mystery, sovereignty, power, love and eternality. If this it is true that we are made for such a God and He does not get proclaimed as He is, zombies and Disney World become our go to, right? So the very statement, “The mainstream practice of science is still our best shot at understanding God’s Creation” is the very insinuation that steals these attributes of God and thus redefines Him all together thus thrusting the human soul away from Him and away from His blessings of joy and peace.
I don’t want to be responsible for my children to drift toward fanciful dread put out in the movies produced by the likes Hollywood that judging by Hollywood itself many times result in catastrophic bizarre behavior, depression and even suicide. For this, my wife and I lead them to the One and Only God who created mankind in an instant and who stands as One who is holy, transcendent, and all together impossible to understand fully…and whose creative abilities will not necessarily be detectable by human observations today we call science!