If I somehow suspected a regional flood was coming, I would move my entire family up to higher ground - - not attempt to build an ark that has never been built before.
If God tells you to build an ark, you build an ark. Noah was essentially a prophet to the wicked of his world and it makes no sense for a prophet to pack up and leave the people he is trying to minister to. Moving to a high mountain wasn’t an option, as the flood would’ve swept over everything within hundreds of miles.
And so there has to be series of miracles that a person has never made a boat before is going to make a giant boat, on the first attempt, without even a test voyage.
The dimensions of the ark have great numerical significance, and probably don’t represent the actual dimensions of the boat. Better translations of the Hebrew have shown that the ark Noah build was most likely a circular reed boat, not the massive wooden boat Ken Ham has put together. Most of the populations of the ANE knew how to sail, as they were right next to rivers and bodies of water like the Mediterranean Sea and the Persian Gulf.
The references to the Kenites clearly pre-date including the Flood narrative, because the descendants of Cain are believed to exist in the Kenites. How can we say that Cain’s descendants taught humanity how to work with metal, when only Noah and 3 sons exist to teach all humanity about musical instruments, smelting metal, and so on?
It is not totally unbelievable to suggest that Cain’s line started working with metal, as they lived in the Near East, and that is precisely where metalworking began. This knowledge was not only known by Noah and his sons, as they were not the only humans on earth to survive the flood.
How do the animals get into the ark? God has to bring them. How do they all fit in the ark? God uses his miraculous powers to make it possible.
Since the flood was only regional it would not have been difficult to gather all the different species from the region. I would also suggest that God aided Noah, but apparently miracles are ridiculous, and God never does them.
How do the animals survive for a whole year in the ark? Again, yet another miracle of God to make sure the food is ample.
I don’t think it is a stretch that Noah could provide food for all the animals, as he probably only had a couple hundred.
But if we see the Biblical story as a co-opting of pagan stories - - to make a HEBREW version of these strange events, we can better understand why such an outlandish story is found in the Bible… just like we find a talking mule or wrestling with God or Samson with magical hair. These are pagan stories that have been co-opted into the Bible to fit the Biblical world view.
If God never does the miraculous then who’s to say we can’t just throw away the resurrection. You want to look at things from a purely naturalistic way, but when God is involved that is just not the way things work.