Don't Look Up: a dark comedy from Netflix about ignoring Scientists

Frustratingly, kind of. They really missed the point and i was annoyed. A neighbor told me the story is about cigarettes and how despite scientists knowing that they were not healthy, and doctors to, they lied to the public for a while in order to capitalize off of fear. They never said it, and maybe they did not even correlate it but these people also refused to wear masks and not get a vaccine and I think they somehow believes the film ironically was about not trusting the scientists and believed that the “ businessmen “ represented scientists.

Also i looked up the cigarettes thing and saw no science whatsoever that it’s tied into what drove the film. Not sure where they got that idea from.

They want to blame government, science and medicine, industry and the media for everything and unjustifiably make tobacco the precedent for imagined business as usual, excusing themselves from intelligent and responsible behavior in the pandemic?

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I got their motivation. I just meant they are not smart enough to understand movie tropes. They were read or told that by someone. I tried seeing finding it online and nothing showed up. But they definitely did not watch it and come up with that idea on their own. I watched this film the first day it came out. It was broadcasted all over as an satire horror film. After watching it I looked up wanting to find any interviews about it. Found very little. There will probably be a lot more though over the next few weeks. Nothing mentioned cigarettes.

Big Tobacco wrote the playbook on avoiding regulation, creating doubt in science, and so forth.
See the book “Merchants of Doubt” by Naomi Oreskes. It’s also a documentary film.


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