Does the Great Pyramid of Giza convey a mathematical prophecy?

To be honest, it’s nice to see how excited you are about this fascinating subject. And I can’t blame you for finding a deeper meaning in the mathematical symbols. It is such an inescapable part of human nature to find meaning and purpose outside of ourself. I also like how you are open to being wrong where that possibility exists and optimistic for the future.

Best Regards

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So you want to ignore all of the actual evidence and go for the Atlantis idea.

What do you think of von Daniken’s ideas? Or Velikovsky?

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Bill, I never said anything about Atlantis, and I would like you to explain what evidence you claim I am ignoring. Can you please explain why you make these claims?

By the way, von Daniken is a charlatan, and Velakovski’s ideas are farfetched.

Because like I said at first, math doesn’t predict future events. Calculating things based on physics is not the same thing as predicting the future. Things like weather predictions are calculated probabilities. But even with all our technology and advanced mathematical modeling capabilities, we can’t calculate probabilities with any accuracy for weather more than ten days out because there are too many variables in the system.

This isn’t true. We can calculate probabilities and make climate models based on generalizations and trends over time. We cannot predict the future and say when and where a hurricane will develop next year.

Math is not magical and it has limitations. There is no way that ancients could have used math to predict the future in some kind of calculation because there are too many variables involved in the trajectory of human history. See chaos theory.

It’s not really a theory though, it’s just an imaginative guess. Good theories are based on observable evidence and make testable predictions. Yours doesn’t. It says, “look, numbers do cool things” and then makes some wild assertions about secret messages in the numbers you have linked to pyramids that supposedly encode information about future world wars and tsunamis. That is pretty much the definition of pseudoscience. You are using mathematical or scientific sounding jargon to make untestable assertions not grounded in reality.

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Mathematics can also be used to combine numbers in arbitrary ways to arrive at any answer you want.

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Now that you mention it, I have a sneaking suspicion there may be a pattern to the number π. It’s ever so curious to wonder when 999 million nines occur in sequence :nerd_face:

And that’s just in base 10 numerals.

“I know the pieces fit… To bring the pieces back together, rediscover communication”

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That is fascinating to me too. It also fascinates me that it is a 100% statistical certainty that your 999 million nines actually are there somewhere. Meaning also that all of scriptures (any version you pick), the entire corpus of Shakespeare … all of that can be found there too. There is no finite sequence that can’t be found there if we just had the computational power to look far enough!

Let’s say (as is presupposed for any sequence of decimal digits of any irrational number) that there is no pattern to be found. Would that make the digits of pi random? Not really … and yet … indistinguishable from random too, as far as we’re concerned.


You said

And consulting the all knowing Wikipedia says

See Wikipedia Wikipedia - Sphinx water erosion hypothesis


Like I said, Christy, I agree with you on some of your criticism, and I respect your point of view.

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