Do humans have a non-physical soul? (And how does modern science affect the question?)

Evolution is process that exists in the biological world as it does in the spiritual world. The problem in modern Christianity is there is no understanding of why the soul would need to evolve. Did God really sacrifice His Son because Eve ate an apple, or is something else going on?

There is enough scientific research on the behaviors surrounding reincarnation. This work is ongoing at the University of Virginia. It provides evidence of the evolutionary process happening to the soul. Early Christian reincarnation allows the words of Jesus to come true.

God gives us many chances to repay our debts to the last farthing (Matt 5:21-26) and becoming perfect as God created us (Matthew 5:43-48). We need to learn to love our neighbors and eventually our enemies before we have become again perfect. This cannot happen in one lifetime as Jesus told Nicodemus in John 3. He said He will not let one sheep be lost (Luke 15:4-5) and even the prodigal son will eventually come home. (Luke 15:11-32) But it takes time and there will be suffering.

Hey, Brad, have you guys thought on inviting Dean Zimmerman to write for Biologos on this subject from the dualistic perspective? I’ve been reading his work lately and I think he raises some very interesting points. He is also a Christian who fully accepts evolution, so I think he would fit under the Biologos “tent”. @BradKramer

There are a number of terms that would like to make clear in answering this question because there is a fair amount of confusion about the soul’s composition.

In the ethereal/spiritual world, we consist of an ethereal body (often referred to as spirit), with a soul located in the center of the chest. The ethereal body looks similar to our physical body, but younger and more delicate. The soul is a container which contains the immortal spark of life, our memories and our virtue, but has been tainted with our vices.

Consciousness is a definition of the state of the soul. Once the soul starts shedding its selfishness, it can start becoming conscious of the needs of others. This is the first step on the long road of enlightenment. The end of the long road of enlightenment is when all vice has been erased from the soul and the spark of life can shine without any obstructions.

In the material world, we consist of a material body and an ethereal body that are coincident while we are conscious. Since the ethereal body never needs to sleep, we can take our consciousness with us into the ethereal world, but always being connected back to the physical body with the sliver cord. No matter how far the ethereal body has traveled, it will snap back to the physical body in an instance to awaken.

Our brains do not have access to the full knowledge and memories of the soul. People often confuse the heart with the soul because of their similar locations in the body. They think the pain or joy they feel is in their heart, when in fact it is, the soul speaking to them. Consciousness and enlightenment helps to open the mind to the soul and the wisdom it holds.

When Jesus’ physical body died, His ethereal boy is what He used when He returned to His disciples. He did not look the same in His maderized, ethereal form, and this is why He was not recognized at first. He could pass through locked doors because He was spirit. Jesus demonstrated to His disciples how one rises into eternal Life after physical death.

I would suggest studying the works of Dr. Ian Stevenson and Dr. Jim Tucker at the University of Virgin which scientifically shows the soul is not part of the physical body.

The resurrection of the spiritually dead is the reason why Jesus came and defeated Death. But you have to ask, who are the spiritually dead? They are immortal soul separated from God, but when did this happen? The early Christians recognized the dead as the fallen hosts of Heaven that Jesus came to bring home. What doe modern Christianity think happened to the 1/3 of Heaven’s angels that were cast out? (Rev 12:3-9) God wants His fallen back with the beautiful spiritual body that He gave them. This is why Jesus’ tells us to become perfect before returning home (Matt 5:44–48) and, repaying our debts to the last farthing (Matt 5:21-26).

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