Dispatches From the Forum: Faith in Crisis

What do you do when it seems like science explains away God?
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://biologos.org/blogs/brad-kramer-the-evolving-evangelical/dispatches-from-the-forum-faith-in-crisis
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Thank you for compiling this excerpt, Brad. I’m happy that this topic receives attention in this way. Though we walk in faith as Christians, we all experience uncertainty at times. It reminds me of Apostle Paul’s words:

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. (1 Corinthians 13:12)

I’m glad my contribution could be of help as I’m one of the people featured in this post. I’ll also be available here for further discussion.

To echo @Casper_Hesp, I’d love to foster more discussion about faith and doubt. And thanks again to @DrebNay, @Sy_Garte, and @Mervin_Bitikofer for their contributions here.

Brad, Thanks for compiling and publishing this wonderful conversation! And my thanks to @DrebNay, @Sy_Garte, and @Mervin_Bitikofer for sharing their thoughts.

I would add my thanks to @BradKramer for highlighting the conversation started by Nathan @DrebNay, which I believe illustrates the power and beauty of Christian fellowship toward those in need of spiritual aid. And who better than Biologos to provide that aid and caring conversation, when it is the discoveries and claims of science and scientists that are involved in sowing seeds of doubt among the faithful.

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