I thought this excellent post would provide a good start for listing the various SUCCESSFUL predictions that the various parts of Evolutionary theory has made possible!
Thank you @Aceofspades25
Continuing the discussion from There is no scientific theory of evolution:
So what successful predictions has the theory of evolution made?
For one thing, it was predicted that we must have a fusion on one of our chromosomes because we have one fewer pair than other great apes do. Well long after that prediction we found that fusion site. If we hadn’t, evolution would have been in serious trouble.
What else has evolution successfully predicted?
A biochemical way for information to be passed on from generation to generation that can be subject to mutation
Shared transposons between closely related species
The synteny between genes on chromosomes
Shared pseudogenes with shared means of inactivation
Incomplete lineage sorting when we encounter three closely related clades.
Mechanisms for new genes to be created
Countless intermediate forms in the fossil record including this startling find4. In this case, they not only predicted that they would find it but they were able to predict where they would find it.
Feathered dinosaurs
The ability of closely related species to interbreed