Hello BioLogos community!
I am really in need of some advice and am having the unique struggle of not knowing where to turn to find it.
My family raised me beautifully and led me to the Lord. I developed a love for the Bible largely because of their example.
In my later years living at home, one of my parents decided to stop vaccinating us kids. Apparently, this parent had discovered that vaccines were not safe. They believed one of my siblings got sick as a result of their vaccination.
This didnât bother me too much. Even into my adult years, I had planned not to vaccinate my own children, just assuming this parent must have been correct because they had always proven trustworthy in everything. When it came time to take my first child in for their vaccinations, I expressed this concern with my husband. My husband did some research for about 10 minutes and came back very confident we needed to get our child vaccinated.
Over the years, I eventually became totally passionate about how amazing vaccinations are.
Then this pandemic happened. This parent and I began to discuss the possibility of a vaccination for COVID. It was a bit surprising to me to hear the hostility in this parents voice when they heard I was looking forward to when a vaccine was developed. This parent then came out with all this information on how vaccines have killed countless babies and it has all been covered up. I was shocked upon hearing this information, so started listening to all the resources my parent was sending me. It was all very believable for me. But because I am married to a man who is passionate about logic, philosophy and theology, he was able to carefully go over each of the concerns as they came up in our home. These days, the resources my parent sends me actually just work to further my belief that vaccines are good. The resources are just that bad.
It is now one year later, we have vaccines available, and I have come to the sad realization that my parents have always been susceptive to conspiracy theories. It was kind of nice to be in the dark on this topic. I have tried to talk to my parents about why they donât need to be concerned about the COVID vaccines, but ultimately they claim they feel a conviction from God not to get them. I understand their desire to follow their convictions, as Paul the Apostle talks of the importance of this. The concern for me is that alongside this conviction, I have also heard them say the following:
- I believe medicine is a gift from God. Bot not this one, it is not actually a vaccine.
- Masks donât work
- Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are wonderful cures, but the government has banned them.
- The Vaccine companies are making a lot of money out of this and donât actually care about our health.
- The Great Reset seems to be happening.
- Can you please check if a magnet sticks to your arm?
And this is just a small sample of the things I am hearing from them. I think you can see why I am not really convinced that the Lord is convicting them not to get the vaccine. It seems obvious the real reason they donât feel comfortable about vaccines is because they are listening to stacks and stacks of misinformation.
I am absolutely heartbroken. My parents are not young and they have underlying health issues. They are at a fair risk of developing complications from COVID. They really need to get vaccinated. But every time I try to challenge their thinking, I come away feeling Iâve broken our relationship a little more. This whole vaccine thing feels like it has broken our relationship. I honestly never would have believed we could possibly have family discord, we were always so close.
It is such an awful thing to see how misinformation and rumors can have such real consequences - to the point of people putting their lives (and the lives of others) at risk.
I would love to know, if you have ever been in a similar situation, how have you dealt with it? I am desperate to talk to them more about it and give them more reasons why vaccines are not what they think they are, but it seems as though Iâm hitting a wall every time. Should I just stop trying? How can I build my relationship with them again?
Itâs likely that many of you are going through similar things. There are also friends from church and our homeschooling group who have fallen in the same trap, but itâs easier to let it go when they are not my parents. And I feel so alone because at this point, all of my siblings feel uncomfortable about the vaccines, too.
Thanks in advance!