Did Jesus Christ, our Lord, during His physical ministry on Earth, in his truly mortal body, believe in Young Earth Creationism?

Young Earth Creationism has already had solution to the 2 seemingly inconsistent accounts. They said the second passage is the details of the first passage and they’re not conflicting.

Could you please highlight the conflicts between the 2 passages.

Is there any theory or proposition outside the Young Earth Creationism that would hypothesize a 6 x 24-hour day creation of the Earth and mankind?

Is there any interpretation or any point under Young Earth Creationism that would state creation duration else than a 6 x 24-hour day creation of the Earth and mankind?

Until you can come up with a counterexample, they are a bi-implication.

I’ve never heard once in my whole time being here that someone believes that Jesus knew about evolution. Was it comments by posters or was it comments by the staff in articles and ect?

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The problems between the two accounts have not been harmonized by YEC using the text. The conflicting passages is the order of creation.

The typical YEC has many areas of contention just theologically to handle. Not s en talking about science and history. Just theologically approaching it literally has issues.

  1. When was the chaotic waters created? Never says what day the water was created. It opens up with the water already there.

  2. In genesis 1 it says he made man and woman in the same day. In genesis 2 it leaves out specific days and tells a story of Adam being alone and so god has him name every species and then God puts him to sleep and creates Eve form him. That would mean on the same day Adam named hundreds of thousands of animals, was put into a deep sleep and then arose and Eve was there. That’s not likely,

  3. It mentions Eve had Cain and Abel. Abel killed Cain. She felt Abel was not replaced until she had Seth. Then after Seth it says they had many sons and daughters. You don’t reading her having many sons and daughters before Seth. If she did why not say it sooner? If she did why did she feel like Seth replaced Abel if she had other sons before that? It makes nonsense and pints towards kids between Abel and Seth and so it leaves a question of who was the others Cain was afraid of? It does not mention others before Cain left.

There are other problems. But ultimately there is zero reason to believe Jesus viewed genesis 1—11 in the same way as modern young earth creationist.

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I chose Evolution Theory over Young Earth Creationism not because I want to belittle God’s character and purposes but because Christian Societies need to advance and YEC is the largest obstacle for Christians from development.

Not so sure.

No one can actually know and state anything with certainty, because we are not Jesus.

Jesus’ affirmations could have been because He believed such things as everyone else did. It’s also entirely possible that God, in His wisdom, knew not to, you know, muddle the heart of His teaching with nitty gritty scientific information that would have done nothing more than bog down His listeners and confuse them. They already thought it was hard that they couldn’t just divorce their wives willy-nilly.

His ministry was entirely focused on His identity, His work, the Kingdom of God, and how to live in Him. Knowledge of the age of the universe and how it works are completely non-salvific. We modern people are the ones who have placed it on a pedestal, and I daresay many people have elevated it to a status equal with Jesus Himself.

Consider also, the fact that focusing on YEC and Jesus’ position on the matter completely misses the point of His teaching in those passages. When He talks about the days of Noah He is quite obviously not concerned with YECism or the age of the Earth or anything like that, but with giving an illustration of how things will become.

We cannot know what Jesus actually thought. You can speculate if you want, but that’s all it is, and that’s true of the YEC position too–they just make their speculation an assertion of fact. No one knows what Jesus’ true position on the matter was. And it doesn’t really matter, in my opinion. He died for sin. He came back from the dead. We have hope.

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This is pretty much my view also.
But, the hardest part is, many of our Christian brothers believe that in order to believe in the Salvation and Resurrection, one has to believe in the Historicity of Genesis 1.

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Very lame. Does God make animals before people or people before animals?

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No. That is impossible. The finite human brain is incapable of doing so.

Besides the Bible says…

Philippians 2:5 Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, 6 who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7 but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in human form he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross.

Luke 2:52 And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and man.

John 14:12 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do

Jesus was 100% human and 100% God. But being human requires limitations and being God does not. Being God means that His will rules everything, especially Himself, and He can be, do, and know whatever He chooses. I do not believe in a God enslaved to human theology confined to what human beings say He must be, know, and do. It is His WILL which rules and not the power (and knowledge) which men lust after. Thus God is quite capable of setting aside power and knowledge to become a helpless human infant required to learn and grow like all other living things.

To be sure Jesus had a relationship with the Father who could give Him whatever Jesus asked. But that means to have the answer to a question, Jesus must first ask the question. And there is no evidence that Jesus asked any questions about the age or size of the universe, prime numbers, quantum physics, or about planets and black holes. Clearly Jesus’ interests were pointed in quite a different direction.

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That’s an unnecessary stumbling block.

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That is the state of our Christianity today.
There are Pastors who explicitly denounce Evolution Theory in their sermons and condemn Christians who believe in the Evolution Theory as beyond Salvation because we cannot accept God’s Words.

This is a separate discussion which has been covered by some other threads already.

But even in this topic, there are Posters who might share the same belief that Evolution Theory is a heresy like what @Shannon implied.

So, it means you answered with a Yes, Jesus did believe in a 6-day creation which is taken literally by YECists which implies that YECists are correct when they claim that the 6-day creation is the stance taken by Lord Jesus Christ and the authors of the Bible and the Bible itself and God.

Incorrect. I answered, NO!

There is no evidence that Jesus asked any such question. If He had then the Father would have told Him that this was not so.

I don’t agree with the sort of rhetoric which makes someone something by default… such as atheists who say that all infants are born atheists. Belief requires that one first ask the question and only then can you say the person believes some particular answer.

Answers in Genesis has the Answer of Genesis:

Genesis 2:19 Lord God had formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them.

So, it was an emphasis on the Genesis 1.

God had first created animals prior to Adam and hence brought them to Adam after his creation.

Because it was already considered as obvious.

So, it means that you mean Jesus was not at all concerned with the Age of Universe or the Earth because that was not important to Him.

He might have believed anything He believed but He did not believe in YEC as there was no YEC back then.

That’s what I wanted to hear.

The view from the people who believed that Jesus did not adhere in a literal 6-day creation.

Fernando, there are many differences. Even the name of the creator differ.

The YEC “solution” contradicts the text.

The order of creation is a significant difference. In the first creation story (Genesis 1.1-2.4a), the order of creation is plants, animals, man, and woman. That story says the earth brought forth vegetation on Day 3.

In the second creation story, the order of creation is man, plants, animals, and woman. It says man was formed when no plants had yet sprung up. The NET Bible has excellent translator notes on this, noting that there were no domesticated plants because there was no man to care for them and there were no wild plants because there was no rain.

The method of creation is also a significant difference. In the first creation story, God created by decree: “Let there be…”

In the second creation story, God formed and planted with His hands.

The YEC “solution” is to deny what the second creation story actually says. To me, that shows a great disrespect for the scriptures.

How many truths are out there? There is only one explanation of His truth. There is only one way, one truth, one life.
Everyone has been enlightened to the truth without words
John 1:9 He was the true Light which enlightens every man coming into the world.
Everyone being born into the world has a response to the Light without words.

Your mean:

Now no shrub had yet appeared on the earth and no plant had yet sprung up, for the Lord God had not sent rain on the earth and there was no one to work the ground

According to YEC, it is a local place in the Garden of Eden.
They said that Genesis 2:5 and Genesis 2:9 are emphasis on Genesis 1 account.

Yes and Young Earth Creationism is full of fallacy.

According to your opinion and belief. Where does “the faith” come from?