Did Dawkins and and Hawking really admit the Big Bang is impossible?

No one is arguing against this. What I said is that the word generally does not mean never. It means usually. The beginning of the universe is not a usual situation. It is a singular situation.

It seems to me that this is close to what I have been saying, which is that the strong nuclear force cancels out gravitation.

The equations of GR are not incomplete. It is just that they are not the theory of everything, which is the found in the unification of all forces. Why must relativity include quantum physics. then even as it does not include quantum physics now.

One theory which I read above was that the Big Bang began with all four forces united and balanced . They only became separated one by one during this less that second time period

God is infinite and God alone is infinite. I believe that you said that a singularity in math was an infinity. The Big Bang theory says that the universe originally was very small, infinitely dense, a singularity. There is a connection between the three.

Please do not be deceived into thinking that generally means never or always. It means usually. A singularity is appropriate at the beginning of the universe, a most unusual situation.

Additional Comment: The is a big difference between a singularity as a calculation which is often the sign of a problem, and a singularity like a Black Hole which is not a calculation. The singularity at the Beginning of the universe is the second kind.