Developers of mRNA vaccine win Nobel Prize

This was just announced. I like the part of the story where they talk about how there was resistance at first because no one thought what they were doing was going to work, but they persisted. I hear a lot from science detractors about how no one can challenge the scientific status quo and if you go against the established way of doing things, you just get professionally ostracized. Well, not if you’re right. If you’re right, you win prizes. I’m going to remind people of this the next time someone suggests that the reason some nonsense hasn’t been accepted is because the scientific community is just so closed-minded and controlling.


Also Katalin Karikó was the daughter of a butcher in Hungary. As a little girl, she wanted to be a scientist, even though she had never met one. She came to the US in her 20s, but worked for decades without getting a permanent position and with little support. But she didn’t give up, and now she’s a Nobel winner! (All this to say, support little girls with big STEM dreams.)


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