Creation Photos Around the World

Today, the microscope finally had a component start malfunctioning: one of the lights is in the blink-on-and-off stage of burning out. I would think that that would be reparable, but it is still doing pretty well to have no malfunctions through 22 months of use and 16,109 pictures.

15500 (Vitrinorbis ?)

16000 (juvenile mytilid)


I thought I shared this. But did not see it. This is the sandhill milkweed and it’s my favorite one of the species.


That’s my favorite kind of technology. If only more devices would follow that good example.

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You did, but no excuse for slacking about further sightings. That and JP’s blue bonnets are my favorites of all the plants that I’ve seen posted here … and there has been considerable competition. If it would like my conditions I would go to some trouble to grow this.



The “yellow colicroot” aka goldenseal, apparently, is kind of a visual pun. Nebraska farmers would love to get that many ears per stalk. :slightly_smiling_face: And the rose pagonia blossom has an interesting but beautiful asymmetry. But wow, you sure don’t lack for pitcher plants down there!

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You did a good job on Identifying them. I meant to put the names in. But was in a hurry to watch “ Killjoy Goes to Hell “. It’s a horror comedy under the Blaxploitation x Slasher genre. Tomorrow I’ll watch Killjoy Psycho Circus and then sometime this weekend I’ll watch Bunker of Blood “ Killjoy’s Carnage Caravan “ xd.

There is probably 10-15k pitcher plants in that area. There is another spot with a few hundred thousands about 40 mins north.

I’ve been working on building up my INaturalist observations. 99% are different species and almost all of those are ones that I know the species of, or at least the genus of.


I just save your photos and then use the Google app camera→photo feature. But I love your photos and enjoy your hikes vicariously. It does nothing for my fitness though! :slightly_smiling_face:

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I guess I’m not sure what that is. It can ID plants?

You can search for photos in both ecosystems (digital ecosystems, that is ; - ).

The Google app – Download the app for Android and iPhone.

Great work building up your observations. I’ve followed you. Here is my profile, if you’re curious.


Definitely. After trying for a few minutes I finally googled how to follow and I guess on the mobile app it’s not popping up but after work I’ll go through the webpage off the app and it says that’s where you can do it. I was listening to a podcast a while back and one of the things they’ve mentioned that I’m curious about is the most northern and southern observation of a species. Where I’m at, most southern and northern distributions goes hours in each direction but not all. So they basically are looking for the most northern and the most southern observation of plant species. Now that’s summer is here and I have done newer keys and ID books I should be able to keep adding to it weekly. Sometime soon I want to start tracking down all the oaks. Plus I’ve been going after all the snakes. But most of it was never on INat. I’ve had one for a while, but only recently really started using it.

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Female broad headed skink

Humming Bird moth

One of the terrestrial burrowing crawdads.

Pink sundew.

Spoonleaf Sundew

General views.

Had a good 3 1/2 hour hike today.


A little different photo from my iPhone. It is really hard to see Mercury most of the time, but here he is a few minutes ago seen very faintly just above the trees slightly to right of center. The bright body higher in the sky is Venus.


Ended up carrying this male carpenter bee around to a few flowers. Unfortunately, something was off with him. Seemed like he must have came in contact with pesticide because his “ tongue” would never fully retract and would go through spurts of activity but not enough to fly. Could also perhaps be at the end of his life. Also some chanterelles. All still dirty in this pic.

Found a few nice decently sized choice edible mushrooms the King Bolete.


On Sunday I fell asleep for like an hour while reading a book on trees in this spot. Was nice and breezy, about 64°f and a steam nearby. Pulled the hoodie over my head and zzz off there. Hiked for like 9 hours though.

Flower and leaves of the Bigleaf Magnoloa. My favorite magnoloa. It may be Bigleaf Magnolia “ ash “.

One of the many chanterelles.

Southern black racer.


Spring has sprung. Three warm -well, high 60’s to 70’s- days in a row. This Clematis armandii ‘Apple Blossom’ sure did appreciate all the rain we’ve gotten. Its vines are capable of reaching 20 to 25 feet in length and I believe it is all of that now. I’d never noticed how fragrant it is before. It buds and opens pinkish and turns white. I hope I’m not forced to choose between it and the eureka lemon tree it has possessed beneath it.





I could just swoon!


I wish you could smell it.


Trout lilly, Virginia water leaf, blooms of some sort I am not sure of (my daughter’s hands) l, and a sprout of some sort in the swamp this morning


New to me. Interestingly different.