Creation Photos Around the World

Randy’s got the very best color here. I saw a lot more while I was driving today, but it’s hard to drive on country roads, and take pictures, and be safe. One driveway at these palacial coutnry house with a horse farm was probably 1/4 windy mile long and lined on both sides with smaller upright maples that were dark pinky red. Lots of fields lined with trees and a few super bright red ones sticking out against the orangy reds and yellows and greens. There’s no sumac right near my house, but it’s a gorgeous bright red now, too.

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Oh–I saw some beautiful copses of that on I 131 yesterday! You’re right!

I could not catch the sumac, but here is a farm and woods, and a deer who did not seem agitated by my presence


We’re just getting into the swing of color season here in Massachusetts. Yesterday morning in Minuteman National Historical Park:


OH NO RANDY! We were here, you should have just knocked! Our door is just always locked. Now I’m sad I missed you!!! :sob:


You are very gracious! I was kind of hesitant–I thought that might be the case, but didn’t want to disturb your lunch. Maybe, if it’s ok, I’ll say hi some other time. If you can, please let me know when a better time would be. My boys enjoy BioLogos, too–I might bring them (14 and 12). I don’t want to bother you, though. Thank you for your care!

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This would make a beautiful poster! What a lovely photo. Thanks for sharing it.


We work hybrid now, but some of us are in the office most of the time! I can PM you my email or phone number and we can make sure someone’s around!


Nebraska gravel & sky




We drove 6 hours north today to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula tohang out at one of my favorite places. Tahquamenon Falls.

The Mackinac Bridge (Mighty Mac) was the longest suspension bridge in the world, when it was built. It connects the Lower and Upper Peninsulas of Michigan at the Straights of Mackinac, were Lake Huron and Lake Michigan meet.

Scott and Youngest Daugher checking out The Upper Tahquamenon Falls and river. There are actually many falls all along this river.

Another view of the river and falls.

Yet one more picture. Wait until I get the photos downloaded from the “good camera” rather than just from the phone!

Some of the gorgeous color we saw while driving around. I had a hard time not taking pictures of every single diciduous tree. I will refrain from posting all of the tree portraits I took.


Thanks for sharing!
I still have never been to Tahquamenon. It’s beautiful, as are the colors. My sister and I are likely taking a color tour next week, with those kids who want to come.

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Randy, if you can find the time, it’s a gorgeous place. You might want to wait until spring or summer, though. Winter arrives early up here. I’ve never tested my mettle up this far in the winter. It was 39 deg, when we left for our hotel this afternoon.
Enjoy YOUR color tour. Can’t wait to see YOUR photos.

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Good morning from the northern shore of Lake Huron St. Ignace, Michigan.

Not quite sun rise yet.


Beautiful! Thanks. My family and I enjoyed camping in the state grounds there a few years!

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Elsewhere, @markd reminded me of Lake Baikal in relation to my beloved Great Lakes. I found this very interesting website:


Blue hour, as it’s known.


On the road to a conference this morning, with beautiful colors


Thanks! I didn’t know that.

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This is a gaura from our yard; they seem also to be known as beeblossom, wandflower, Lindheimer’s clockweed, and Lindheimer’s clockweed. I had multiple failures getting a decent photo, since I was trying to get multiple exposures for focus stacking and these flowers sway in the slightest breeze. I was finally able to put together four shots for this photo.


Meanwhile, this is what was going on among the buds at the end of the stalk:


My wife is infatuated with draped cloth. She would love it. It is a wonderful image.