Creation Photos Around the World

Thanks, didn’t know all that! Cute and utilitarian!

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Just how I like my arachnids :sunglasses:


Fall foliage here in Michigan at Frederick Meijer Gardens this weekend :star_struck:


I’ve been wanting to get back to that very spot in the Japanese Garden again. So lovely. Thanks for the photo.

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Yellow Garden Spider.


Can you see the well camouflaged moth?


A thousand likes as usual. Thank you as always. Your photos make the Internet a better place.
I thought this moth was just a face in the moss.
And the moth on the asters is a stunner!


A swallowtail butterfly of some sort?

Interesting clouds illuminated by the moon, using the 3 second iPhone exposure

Jupiter peeping in the right upper corner


That’s BEAUTIFUL, Phil!
How did you hold or stand your camera so that it was still enough for such a long exposure?
I looked for such settings for my (old) I pad, and I don’t think Apple was considering such things at that time.
I still need to check my android phone. Although I think the photography options are also pretty basic.

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Long-tailed Skipper. We get them in our yard at this time of year as well:

(this picture is from two years ago)


It is pretty amazing technology. I have an iPhone 11 which I think is the oldest one tha does it, but as long as you are sorta stable, the phone stabilizes the image internally and stitches the image together.


That sky! Times two reflected in the water = wonder-full!

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Some pretty awesome photos courtesy of the Beeb… check out the starfish!

And Fat Bear Week is a thing I never knew I needed:


Felt like an idiot today lol.

I was hiking and came across a sapling. I keyed it out for over 2 hours and knew for sure it was a hickory. Just could not figure it out. Landed on it being glabra.
It was such amateur mistake too. After the other guy gave me a clue, it became completely obvious which one it was. I’m glad he did not just tell me the answer because it instantly was like…. Duh…. It’s hairy, not smooth.


Thanks for teaching!

Admittedly, I am utterly biased toward my minute region of the world. I took some photos today to try to show off some of the fall beauty that surrounds me.

Trees by the road from the field we leave wild. Mostly silver maples and pin oaks

Probably a pin cherry. A lovely blush.

The raspberries turn such a beautiful burgundy!

Sassafras trees in front of a pair of shagbark hickories along my ditch.

Up through some pin oaks with the hickories behind them.

A close up of sassafras next to the farm across the road

The farmer’s trees to my left, and my sassafras (and a few others, including the huge silver maple) across the road

Soy beans across from my property, and the farmer’s mature sassafras trees.

This summer I identified these sensitive ferns. Now that the leaves have wilted back, the reproductive parts are easy to see.

A wicked looking hawthorn.

A few late bloomers.

Wild rose is invasive in Michigan, and the stuff of Grimm’s fairy tales. These thorns did a nice job on my jeans.

More rose hips and Virginia creeper. Not a great photo, but the colors are pleasing, I think.

I brought the other half of these burs back into the house on my socks.

A forest of raspberry canes. These were about 6.5’ (2m) high.

Even the poison ivy looks pretty in the fall. This one grows as ground cover. I won’t be able to get to the stuff growing on trees until winter.


Wow, those are great pictures! Thank you! This is down near the central park in Fremont. I love these trees every year.

The next two are not so much from creation photos, but I happened to find myself one mile away from Biologos today! I visited their office, but they were closed for lunch. I thought I would document it anyway, because I always wondered what it would look like. I did not find any ark or creation museum. There were some books with typical themes that we find on this website on a display behind the door though.

It’s actually not far from Baker book House, Calvin college, and Zondervan printing.


And a ghost reflection in the glass……


There is no fall color on the West coast that can compare. Spectacular.