trashes BioLogos

I think that Mervin is right–there is good personality and meaning, despite our grasping at God’s being. Do you know how a mother animal (the story is typically of a bear) swats her cub if he ventures into danger? All of our parents who believed that God is going to send us to hell for the slightest thing believed so, and taught us the need to follow Him, not only out of desire for good lives, but out of holy fear. And a parent mirrors the fear of the surroundings–to boil it down and protect their children. You can see how the ancient Israelis lived in a harsher environment–and that translates into their view of God. So, we all reflect our understanding. Kindly helping each to see God more clearly–or, in my case, learning where I am sadly wrong–is a reflection of humility. I need more of it.


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You sounded like you were starting up an inquisition there, Klax. Let’s let people speak for themselves and not try to start any category “round-ups” without explicit consent of all parties. If they want to be known as something around here, they can choose what to divulge in any given post, any divulgences from past posts notwithstanding.


Maybe you would appreciate the fact that BioLogos’ podcast featured one of the best universalists writing today, @ThomasJayOord.

Don’t climb so high on your hobby horse that you lose sight of the ground.

I’d say being Christian, being a subset of being human, ain’t easy. So what if most don’t excel at it? The same is true for the control group.


Oooh, Jay, I know BioLogos is a broad church and that the scientifically and philosophically educated leadership tend to filter faith with reason. But my hobby horse is a red button issue here. As my faux pas - for which I apologise - demonstrates. People are afraid to come out.

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I leave it to God to judge us. I don’t believe that God will force people to be saved who don’t want it. I have no doubt that some people will reject God even in the next life. (This has nothing to do with double predestination.) Jesus came to woo and wed humanity, not [force] them [to love him].

[edited: by moderator]

Not even God judges us.

There has been a few discussions in hell and the after life. I think people just occasionally get burned out essentially reinstating the same things multiple times.


People are afraid to come out and be damned as damnationists. It’s not PC. As I’m sure @SkovandOfMitaze would recommend, give conditionalism a try.

Someone judges us – I think Jesus said so. Maybe we judge each other. Ingenuousness, anyone?

Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.
Matthew 7:13-14

The temporally content and satisfied will not be looking for the latter.

Hopefully. But there seems no end of damnationist rhetoric in sight.

There is no end of the damning of damnationists, speaking of rhetoric.

“Hopefully” conditionalism is way different than “equality of outcome for all like God will provide in the transcendent.” Sounds like equivocation to me.

Thanks for apologizing, but I’m not sure it counts if you misspell it. Is that like keeping your fingers crossed behind your back? haha

My only point is not to confuse the organization with the forum. And when walking your dog in the private park someone else allows you to use, please pick up the poop.

Edit: I should add that my black dog has taken a shite in the Forum more than once. All is forgiven.


(That’s the way they spell it in the U.K. They also spell and say aluminium instead of aluminum. Why they don’t say shule for school when they say shedule for schedule I don’t know. ; - )

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When you invent a language you get to make up the rules, if you don’t like it you don’t have to use it… :crazy_face:


Perhaps we should all start speaking Lojban instead?


It counts if you spell it that way at Cambridge, but not at Oxford, which is preferred, but even they chicken out.

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I like Oofengloofish. XD

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Maybe it could be renamed Logjam.

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