trashes BioLogos

Thanks for apologizing, but I’m not sure it counts if you misspell it. Is that like keeping your fingers crossed behind your back? haha

My only point is not to confuse the organization with the forum. And when walking your dog in the private park someone else allows you to use, please pick up the poop.

Edit: I should add that my black dog has taken a shite in the Forum more than once. All is forgiven.


(That’s the way they spell it in the U.K. They also spell and say aluminium instead of aluminum. Why they don’t say shule for school when they say shedule for schedule I don’t know. ; - )

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When you invent a language you get to make up the rules, if you don’t like it you don’t have to use it… :crazy_face:


Perhaps we should all start speaking Lojban instead?


It counts if you spell it that way at Cambridge, but not at Oxford, which is preferred, but even they chicken out.

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I like Oofengloofish. XD

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Maybe it could be renamed Logjam.

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I hope you got it, but my Brit spelling in the edit was missed by these rabble rousers. I do object to favourite, though I embrace the Oxford comma. (AP Style be damned.)


Nah, you can keep your comma over there – do you hesitate verbally at the end of a series? (I was taught it that way though, over half a century ago. ; - ) I do like the New Yorker diaeresis, however. And the Brit way of single and double quotes as well as their being inside of a period or a comma if appropriate (which is frequent) are appealing too (and not dissimilar to the parentheses and operators hierarchy in maths ← (that last s is out of respect for the east end of the warming Gulf Stream – we get the subsurface chill in return XD)).

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God the Son will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead.


I too prefer the Oxford comma. Punctuation saves lives.

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Merged and contacting.

It’s the only thing that separates us from the animals.

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Nanoo nanoo.

(And yes the body is clear and a complete sentence).

Not all of us Brits embrace the Oxford comma.


What?! This is 1642 all over again.

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Not all of us Americans embrace grammar as a whole.

It’s a feedback loop between biological evolution, social/cultural evolution, and language evolution. But ultimately, yes. Language allowed large-scale cooperation, i.e. trade networks, which appeared about 1 mil years ago. A common misconception is that language sprang into existence all at once. That’s (one of) William Lane Craig’s error. It began with spoken words ~1 mil years ago, but that was a protolanguage not much different than the early language efforts of toddlers. Trade networks expanded from 100 km to 300 km around 100,000 yrs ago. That’s about the same time that the sapiens globular brain started appearing in the fossil record, as well as Blombos in S. Africa. So by converging evidence, I conclude that a second language breakthrough happened around 100,000 years ago. The most likely candidate is fully modern, recursive grammar.

Just some bonus learnin. :wink:


And what is His ‘judgement’? That’s rhetorical if course. God has no business judging anyone but Himself. If He’s real, He is nothing like us, obviously. He’s competent. Not bound by our projected inadequacy.

So … Did the S African Blombos of 100K years ago use the Oxford comma or not? :thinking:


Of course, and they spoke the Queen’s English. :wink: